Choice Workshop Sessions Spring 2022
Thursday, March 24 & Thursday, March 31
Thursday, March 24th
7:00-8:00 PM
7:00-8:00 PM
An Evolving Understanding of Gender
Burt Whittier
Our understanding of gender is changing. For many, these changes are confusing. It feels as if the changes are happening all too quickly. For others, the changes can’t come soon enough. Transgender…non-binary…gender fluid…cisgender…pronouns…new names. What does all this mean? How can we make sense of all this? How can we best support children who are struggling to figure out who they are and how they fit in? These are questions educators, parents, and students are all asking. Parents also want to know how to answer questions their children might be asking. Some of the answers to these questions are simple; others are more complicated. The goals of this presentation are to provide a common language around our evolving understanding of gender and to provide answers to some of those questions.
Transition to Middle School
Allison Hammer and Andrew Tetrault, Galvin Assistant Principals
One of the key components and goals of the Galvin Middle School administration is to help ensure a smooth transition to the 5th grade. We know that parents play an important role in their child's transition from their elementary school to middle school and families may have questions/concerns about what happens in middle school. This session will be informative and interactive for incoming 5th grade parents as the administration from the Galvin will describe to parents how the transition process works between the Galvin and the elementary schools, how does the 5th grade work, what does a typical day/week/year look like for 5th graders, and any other questions parents may have about their child's next educational experience within Wakefield Public Schools.
Google Classroom 101 for Secondary Students
Beth Hughes
This presentation will provide parents & guardians with an overview of Google Classroom in order to support their learners. Topics will include how to navigate Google Classroom, where students can find their assignments (including how to create To Do Lists), how parents can monitor their learner's progress, and what to know about assessment. (There will also be a quick overview of IPASS thrown in for free.) Attendants will receive a Cheat Sheet that includes a summary of the tips, links to tutorials, and other helpful information.
Kindergarten Information Night
Elementary Administration
This presentation is intended for parents of incoming kindergarten students for the 22-23 school year. Elementary Principals will provide an overview of what to expect and logistics. There will be a Q&A portion as well.
"In Plain Sight” Pandemic Version: Tour a teen bedroom and learn the hidden signs of vaping & drug use, self-harm, depression/anxiety, and excessive screen time
Andrew Cedrone, LMHC, GMS Adjustment Counselor & District SEBH Coordinator; Catherine Dhingra, Wake-Up Coalition Director, Town of Wakefield Health Department; Donna Kausek, Clinical Director NAN Project/Eliot Community Services; Officer Kelley Tobyne, GMS Resource Officer; Officer Matt Malone, WMHS Resource Officer
During this workshop, participants will virtually tour through a mock teenager’s bedroom highlighting factors that may indicate risky behavior or substance use, hidden in plain sight. This workshop will be led by local experts in mental health and substance use. They will go over concerning trends that have emerged during the pandemic and provide participants with signs to watch for along with strategies to address concerning behaviors. Resources will be provided to talk with your child about these important topics. This workshop has been designed based on statistics from Wakefield’s 2021 Youth Risk Behavior survey.
Raising Money-Savvy Children
Tom Elkins, Financial Planner,
Wakefield Co-operative Bank
The Raising Money‐Savvy Children workshop provides parents useful tools to use with their kids. We will work through age‐appropriate activities that will help parents engage their kids in learning about money. Providing children with a foundation for saving, spending, investing and donating will help them to be better prepared for the financial challenges of life. We also discuss how to avoid making money a taboo subject in the household so kids grow up with a healthy relationship with money.
What previous attendees had to say about this presentation: "This was fantastic! I felt like a walked away with a lot of concrete tools and a plan for the future."
Thursday, March 31st
7:00-8:00 PM
7:00-8:00 PM
"Why is my child multiplying like this?" and Other "New Math" Questions
Lindsey Mosca & Valerie Drinan, WPS STEM Coordinators
Come learn about the strategies your child uses in mathematics and how those strategies support long term success with problem solving.
Transition to High School
Gerrilyn Trafficante,
WMHS Assistant Principal
Student Life at Wakefield Memorial High School: In this session, come hear from WMHS students themselves along with one of WMHS' Assistant Principals on what a day in the life of a WMHS student looks like. Learn about balancing school work and extracurricular activities along with managing distractions while at school. Students will share about extracurricular and leadership opportunities and what supports are available during the high school years. Some time will be given for general questions as well.
Executive Functioning Skill Development
Lauren Grams
A workshop designed to support parents of students with ADHD and/or executive functioning challenges with predictable/ set schedules. Chores and home responsibilities, and effective argument free homework time with strategies for parents and families to use!
Navigating Social Media with Your Teens and Tweens (Perspective from WPS Students)
Andrew Cedrone and WPS Students
Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram, oh my! We know you have lots of questions about what your child is doing online and who better than responsible teenagers to explain it to you. Wakefield High School students will provide you with a description of the most widely used apps, the ways they are being used, and what to look out for. Galvin Adjustment Counselor & District Social Emotional Coordinator Andrew Cedrone will provide parents with practical tools for monitoring online activity and tips for opening up conversations with your student.