Keynote Address
Jerry Posner: The Practical Power of Gratitude
Clearly, life can be difficult and challenging. Modern science suggests that a little extra focus on “the good stuff” can have significant positive results over time. In this inspiring, engaging, and most importantly, PRACTICAL presentation, you’ll learn to use “grati-tools” for increased happiness, decreased stress, improved relationships, and a more positive perspective … to help you navigate the sometimes choppy waters of life with greater ease!
Workshop Descriptions
Thriving in the Midst of Change
Navigating the sometimes unpredictable waters of change can be challenging, to say the least! Fortunately, there are many useful tools and techniques to increase resourcefulness, resilience, and adaptability. You’ll learn some ways to manage stress, techniques to “prime” yourself for a positive day, and strategies for making wise choices during tough times. "When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills." (Old proverb). Explore some ways to harness the ‘winds of change’ for numerous benefits!
Presenter: Jerry Posner, Keynote Speaker
Understanding Anxiety
Target audience: Grades 5-12
This session will focus on defining what Anxiety is, how it can present/manifest throughout a child's development, and the importance of early identification and intervention. A research-based presentation will help parents understand symptoms and strategies, and learn about school and community resources.
Presenters: Galvin Middle School psychologist Kate Hersman
What previous attendees had to say about this presentation: Fantastic! Great Job!Mindfulness: Balance for Students in a Stressful World
Target Audience: All
The practice of mindfulness involves slowing down, paying attention, and breathing purposefully in order to be fully present in our lives. We invite you to learn more about mindfulness, practicing mindful breathing techniques, how to be more mindful parents, and how to help raise mindful children.
Presenters: WMHS teacher Jill Kramer and guidance counselor Suzanne Burns
Successful Transitions (2 sessions: Gr. PK to K and Gr. 4 to 5)
Target Audience: PreK and Grade 4 Parents
An important goal of the Wakefield Public Schools is to ensure a smooth a transition for all students taking the next step in their educational experience and entering a new school. We recognize that parents may have many questions and concerns as they anticipate their children’s transitions from Pre-K to Kindergarten, grade 4 to grade 5. We invite parents to an informative and interactive discussion about your child’s transition to the next school experience, what you need to know and all about the exciting opportunities ahead.
Presenters: Doyle Principal Shannon Blacker and Galvin Leadership Team
What previous attendees had to say about this presentation: “I feel much better about this transition after attending the workshop”, Thank you so much for providing this session! Transitions 4-5 was very helpful and approachable. Lots of info!Prek-K: This workshop provided very helpful information for a first time parent, Thank You! Presenter was very knowledgeable, thorough and most importantly easy to talk with/ask questions to.
"In Plain Sight”: Tour a teen bedroom and learn the hidden signs of drug use, self-harm, eating disorders and risky internet behavior
Target Audience: Gr. 5-12
Participants will tour a mock teenager’s bedroom highlighting factors that may indicate substance use, hidden in plain sight. Participants will look at a phone wit risky apps and ways teenagers can hide them. A Mental Health Clinician will show participants signs within a room of self-harm/cutting and eating disorders. Parents will be able to see all of the newest products on the market (e-cigarettes & vapes), products used to hide drugs, and what to look out for. Resources will be provided to talk with your child about these important topics. This workshop has been designed based on statistics from Wakefield’s Youth Risk Behavior survey and current trends observed by Wakefield’s Public School, Health and Police Department professionals.
Presenters: Catherine Dhingra, Wake-Up Coalition Director, Town of Wakefield Health Department; Officer Kelley Tobyne, Galvin School Resource Officer; Officer Jason Skillings, WMHS Resource Officer
What previous attendees had to say about this presentation: Wonderfully informative session, eye opening! Great Job! Great Session!Raising Money-Savvy Children
Target Audience: All
The Raising Money‐Savvy Children workshop provides parents useful tools to use with their kids. We will work through age‐appropriate activities that will help parents engage their kids in learning about money. Providing children with a foundation for saving, spending, investing and donating will help them to be better prepared for the financial challenges of life. We also discuss how to avoid making money a taboo subject in the household so kids grow up with a healthy relationship with money.
Presenter: Tom Elkins, Financial Planner, Wakefield Co-operative Bank
How to read your child's IEP
Target Audience: All
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a legal document that outlines services that a child with a disability requires in order to make effective progress. Middle School Special Education Coordinator Erin Ficociello will help parents unpack all the components of an IEP, explaining key terms and discussing important elements of your child's IEP.
Presenter: Erin Ficociello, Special Education Coordinator, Galvin Middle School
Wakefield Civics 101
Target Audience: All
Civics Education starts at home. Learn how Wakefield town government works and how to have your voice heard at School Committee and beyond. We will walk through our town's structure, the basics of Town Meeting and how appointed and elected boards rely on community participation and input. An interactive workshop presented by representatives from Town Council and School Committee.
Presenters: Julie Smith-Galvin, Town Council; Mehreen Butt, Town Council; Jason Pavey, Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator
Getting Relationships Right
Target Audience: All
Using evidence-based research from the Search Institute, this presentation will highlight resources to assist parents in strengthening the relationships they build with young people...
Presenters: WMHS Guidance Counselor Brian Robertson and Galvin MS Counselor Andrew Cedrone
Student Life at Wakefield Memorial High School
Target Audience: Grade 8 Parents
This session will be led by students in grades 9-12 and facilitated by Wakefield Memorial High School Administration. The goal is for students and families soon making the transition to Wakefield Memorial High School to come ask questions about transition, hear about experiences at the high school, how to manage distractions in a digital world and learn about the many offerings the high school has to offer and to get advice from seniors as they begin their transition to life after high school all from the students' perspectives.
Presenters: WMHS Assistant Principal Gerrilyn Trafficante and teacher Jess Snow
Raising and Supporting a Reader
Target Audience: All
Reading is a complicated process that requires students to use a wide range of strategic actions to read accurately, with understanding, and with fluency. How can parents support their child’s reading development at home? This session answers that important question by addressing the following:
The importance of reading aloud to children
How to check and extend your child’s understanding of his or her reading
What to say instead of, “Sound it out”
Internet resources that support reading development
Presenters: TBD – WPS Staff
To Be a Preschooler
Target Audience: PreK Parents
We will discuss how play promotes learning, meeting standards and social emotional health.
Presenters: Doyle Pre-K Teachers Erin Schermerhorn and Tara Fitzgerald
Family Engagement Framework Focus Group
Target Audience: All
The Massachusetts Departments of Elementary and Secondary Education, Early Education and Care, and Public Heath are looking to hear from you! They are partnering to build a family engagement framework (road map) that covers families from Prenatal into young adulthood. As they work to develop this road map, they are seeking the opportunity to engage with families and youth in discussions about what family engagement means to them, when it has worked well and barriers (what gets in the way) to family engagement.
Presenter: Member of the Framework Coalition