Mel Peirce

How to Parent Through Big Feelings

March 9, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

Not sure if your child has BIG feelings or just age-appropriate reactions?  Learn what drives your child's BIG feelings, common mistakes to avoid when parenting through them, and research backed simple tools you can start using immediately to help.  

Mel Peirce is a local Certified Coach, Speaker, Writer, Parenting Educator, and Long-time Working Mom who helps take the mystery out of children's emotions and behaviors so parents can finally leave the guesswork behind and effectively parent with confidence. Mel has a private coaching practice, a parent support and education group, and runs parent workshops specializing in helping parents and caregivers learn how to support and parent children through big feelings (and behaviors) using research-backed proven parenting tools.  Mel teaches simple and easy strategies including her Parent from Neutral concept and the BIG Feelings Parenting Protocol, two of the novel parenting tools from her Confident Parenting Toolbox. You can find Mel’s weekly column, Mindful Parenting With Mel, in several local Macaroni Kid publications.