Choice Workshop Sessions for
Monday, October 26th

7:00-7:45 PM

Supporting Your Child's Transition to Kindergarten

Shannon Blacker, Doyle Principal
and TBD, Elementary Principal

An important goal of the Wakefield Public Schools is to ensure a smooth a transition for all students taking the next step in their educational experience and entering a new school. We recognize that parents may have many questions and concerns as they anticipate their children’s transitions from Pre-K to Kindergarten. We invite parents to an informative and interactive discussion about your child’s transition, what you need to know and all about the exciting opportunities ahead.

Overview of Elementary Digital Curriculum Resources

Valerie Drinan (STEM Curriculum Coordinator), Lisa Azzarito (Literacy Coach),
and Michele Labreque (Literacy Coach)

Learn more about the digital curriculum resources being prioritized at the elementary level for asynchronous learning. An overview of ST Math, RAZ Kids and Lexia will be presented.

College Planning

Dave Robinson
This workshop is meant to support parents of juniors and seniors as they plan for college during COVID-19.

Typical or Troubled?

Donna Kausek, LMHC
he NAN Project

This session will help parents, caregivers and community stakeholders identify and respond to typical mental health presentations exhibited at home, in the classroom and/or community settings particularly in the context of COVID 19 (remote learning, physical distance, loss of in person supports).

8:00-8:45 PM

Google Classroom in the
Secondary Grades

Beth Hughes
This presentation will provide parents & guardians with an overview of Google Classroom in order to support their learners. Topics will include how to navigate Goog9-12 le Classroom, where students can find their assignments (including an all-class checklist), how parents can monitor their learner's progress, and what to know about assessment.

Google Classroom in the Elementary Grades

Julia Sparano, Woodville Library & Media Specialist
This presentation aims to give guardians the tools to help even the youngest Wakefield students successfully access Google Classroom. The presentation will cover the basic student operations of Google Classroom such as: how to login to Google Classroom, how to access announcements and assignments, how to submit assignments, and more! We will also discuss the benefits of being added as a guardian to your students' Google Classroom, and other ways guardians can support student learning through Google Classroom.

Parental Monitoring & Restrictions on Apple Devices

Andrew Cedrone,
Galvin School Adjustment Counselor &
District Mental Health Coordinator
This workshop will help parents set screen time etc on iPhones and iPads during distance learning to set students up for success.

Managing Student Anxiety

Andrea Barone and Nicole Weiler
In this presentation, we will focus on the topic of anxiety and how it presents in school and with schoolwork. Parents will be given resources, as well as easy to implement strategies, including calming and coping techniques to help manage their child’s anxiety.