The Game
What’s OLD is NEW is a flexible game system which focuses on three genres: traditional fantasy, explosive modern action, and futuristic sci-fi. It is supported by a wide range of sourcebooks, worlds, and adventures.
The System
What's OLD is NEW uses a d6 dice pool system vs. a difficulty benchmark. The game only uses d6s.
Characters are created using a life-path system. After choosing a heritage, players choose an origin career, followed by four further careers. Each adds to attributes and skills, and grants specific exploits.
WOIN also features freeform magic, vehicle combat, starship combat, martial arts & chi, psionics & mutants, stronghold building, and more.
Which Genre?
The rules in this rules reference document are compatible with medieval fantasy, contemporary action, and future sci-fi, but may not be thematically suitable for all settings and campaigns. A game using only medieval fantasy rules will not use the Warp Maneuver exploit.
This rules reference document, however, presents rules from all three genres of play. The skills list, therefore, includes skills from herbalism to astrophysics, and the exploits list contains exploits from Counterspelling to Wingovers. Similarly, the race sections contain all options from all three genres, from mountain dwarves to mutants to androids.