A character’s trait is a dominant characteristic based on his attributes. It provides an ability or quality related to either his highest or lowest attribute. Traits include things like rugged, massive, alcoholic, inspiring, and so on. If someone were to describe your character, this is the first word they’d use—“Ben? You mean that suave spy?”
Choose either your highest or lowest attribute (both will give you an advantage; choosing the lowest doesn’t give you a disadvantage—for example, a low WIL allows you to choose “alcoholic,” which gives you a bonus SOAK score when intoxicated). Choose a corresponding trait (or roll for it if you prefer a little randomness).
Your trait forms part of your descriptor and should be noted on your character sheet. For example:
Duke Roosevelt is an aging rugged Human bounty hunter who loves 50s music
High Attributes
- Athletic. Brawny and strong, you are able to plough through difficult terrain. Difficult terrain does not reduce your speed.
- Brawny. You gain a +40 lb. carrying capacity.
- Massive. You are enormous and solid. You are immune to knockdown and knockback effects by anything of your size category or smaller.
- Mighty. You do +1d6 unarmed damage.
- Ambidextrous. You do not suffer the usual –2d6 penalty to attacks made while dual-wielding a double weapon or a secondary offhand weapon.
- Deadeye. Once per day you automatically hit with a ranged shot within two range increments as long as you do not exchange any attack dice for damage dice or combine it with another exploit.
- Nimble. You gain a CLIMB speed equal to your regular SPEED.
- Quick. You gain +1d6 INITIATIVE..
- Rugged. You are tough and shrug off hardships. Once per day you can spend two actions (a full turn) to recover to half your normal maximum HEALTH.
- Tough as Nails. You gain a +2 SOAK bonus which stacks with any other SOAK scores you may have.
- Healthy. You never seem to get a cold. You are immune to normal diseases.
- Tireless. You are immune to the Fatigued condition.
- Alert. Constantly aware of your surroundings, you gain +1d6 to INT perception checks, and you always win INITIATIVE ties.
- Empathic. You easily understand how others feel. Once per day you can attempt to adjust another’s mood with a CHA vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack. If you succeed, you can give them either the Manic or Angry condition. You must be able to converse with your target to do this.
- Insightful. You can always tell when somebody is verbally lying to you, although this does not give you any further information.
- Observant. You know where your enemies are during combat. You cannot be flanked.
- Brilliant. You mind is honed, sharp, and analytical. Once per day you may replace any other attribute check with a LOG check.
- Erudite. You remember a vast catalog of knowledge. At any time you may make a LOG check in place of any CHA check to interact with them by recalling trivia of interest to your target, though only once per target.
- Deductive. You are a master of reason and logic. Once per day you can ask the GM a yes/no question, and it will be answered truthfully.
- Learned. You can communicate in any language.
- Stoic. You are able to hide pain and discomfort. Once per day, when you would normally be reduced to zero HEALTH, you are reduced to 1 HEALTH instead.
- Unflappable. You are not easily distracted or surprised. The Feint exploit does not work on you.
- Brave. You are immune to the Afraid condition.
- Stubborn. You are immne to the Charmed condition.
- Commanding. You have presence, and people listen to you. By spending an action you can give an ally within earshot a single bonus action whihc they can take immediately.
- Inspiring. You are able to instill positive emotions in people with your words, using an action to give them a +1d6 bonus to their next attribute check if they are within 30' of you.
- Persuasive. You are adept at negotiating with others. When you purchase anything under $1,000 in value, you are able to reduce the final price you pay for the item by 3d6 percent.
- Suave. Once per day a CHA vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack can be used to give a target the Charmed condition.
- Affluent. You are well-off, and your clothing and gear reflect that. Choose one item. That item gains one quality level. You can switch this benefit to a different item, but that takes 24 hours.
- Egotistical. You have a very high opinion of yourself, which manifests itself as extreme confidence and surety. You gain a +4 MENTAL DEFENSE bonus. Unfortunately, you sometimes ask “don’t you know who I am?”
- Posh. You are at home in high society. When dealing with somebody with a REP score lower than your own, you get +1d6 to social checks.
- Well-known. You are famous; people recognize you, for good or ill. You have learned to use this reputation. Once per day you may substitute your REP attribute for another attribute in order to make an attribute check.
Low Attributes
- Feeble. You are physically weak and frail, which taught you the value of brains over brawn. Once per day you may use a LOG check in place of a STR check and accomplish your goal through cunning and ingenuity.
- Tottering. You find it a struggle to stand and require the use of a wheelchair which gives you a +1 SPEED bonus on normal terrain.
- Delicate. You are slight of build, and break easily. As such, you have learned to compensate, and gain +1 to RANGED and MELEE DEFENSE.
- Clumsy. You often stumble or drop items. You are so used to falling that you take less damage than most from a fall. Reduce the height fallen by 10' when calculating falling damage.
- Lame. You have a limp, and move slowly, possibly with a cane. This causes people to underestimate you, granting you a +1d6 bonus to INITIATIVE checks.
- Slow. You are slow. However, this has its benefits as you are less likely to make mistakes. Once per day you may reroll am attribute check which you have failed.
- Sickly. Your poor health often prevents you from undertaking extended physical exertion. However, you have developed coping strategies which enable you to recover quickly. Once per day you may gather your strength and determinedly recover 1d6 HEALTH.
- Coughing. Your constant coughing elicits sympathy from onlookers who are hesitant to attack an obviously ill person. You gain a +4 DEFENSE bonus against anyone you have not yet attacked.
- Distracted. Your attention is always somewhere else and can be a cause of frustration for others. However, the right non sequitur can sometimes prove useful: once per day, as an ally is making an attribute check, you can make a completely random comment which jogs their memory and grants them a +2d6 bonus to the check.
- Naive. Naivete can be an endearing trait in some; it can also act as an insulation. Once per day you may completely ignore a fear-based effect or condition.
- Forgetful. You constantly forget and misplace things; often they are still about your person. Once per day you may produce an item you didn’t know you were carrying. The item can be any type of item, and can be worth up to the result of your LUC check.
- Illiterate. You cannot read. Instead, you have learned to memorize common words which you need to recognize often. You have a fantastic memory and can automatically recall information you have been exposed to.
- Alcoholic. You are usually drunk. While this can impair your judgment, it also enables you to shrug off injury. You gain +2 SOAK.
- Reckless. Your poor judgment often lands you in trouble, but it leads to a certain confidence. If you completely ignore cover, you gain a +1d6 attack bonus as long as you are not using a shield.
- Spendthrift. You lack self-discipline and spend your money on trivialities. This can have its advantages, however; once per day you can pull an item from your pocket that you forgot you’d bought, retroactively spending the value of your LUC check in dollars.
- Disfigured. Your appearance is memorable. However, it serves to instill fear when you need it to. You gain an additional 1d6 bonus to intimidation attempts.
- Obnoxious. Your personality really repels people. You are an expert at insults, and can use an action to make a LOG vs. WIL check to enrage and distract others, causing them to gain the Angry condition.
- Unwashed. Your unkempt appearance causes others to overlook you. You can hide in plain sight using INT in place of AGI.
- Impoverished. You have little in the way of worldy goods. Even your clothes are old and worn. You know how to make the most of things, however, and how to take care of your property. Choose one item. That item gains one quality level. You can switch this benefit to a different item, but that takes 24 hours.
- Nondescript. You’re the type of person nobody remembers. Even after you have met someone, you can meet them again and they will not recognize you if you choose to act in a nondescript manner. You can only do this the second time you meet somebody; from the third time onwards, you are recognized as normal.