Transformation Enhancements
Transform [element], [creature], or [self]
Transform spells can turn your target into a particular type of creature or substance. When the spell ends, the target reverts to its original form, though damage taken while transformed endures. You must use the secret of the new form.
Items and creatures transformed into larger objects or creatures must fit within the area of effect in their new form. You cannot use a transform spell as a directly offensive spell that is unavoidable: you cannot turn the air over a creature into a metal block to crush it, nor can you turn the air around it into stone.
When transformed into a creature, the target gains the new form’s physical attributes, but not its mental attributes. Creatures keep their original mind, personality, and memories. If you transform a creature into another creature, its gear adapts to an appropriate form if there is one. Other items are subsumed into the new form, such as weapons if the form has no hands with which to wield them.
For objects, the total MP you spend determines the maximum gold coin value of items you can produce at a rate of 300 gc per MP.
A transform cantrip can change the color of an object or target, or make other minor cosmetic changes, for up to one round.
The “secret” part of a transformation spell is the resultant form, not the starting form. Transforming a floor from stone to ice is transform ice, not transform stone.
Animate. Cost 2 MP per die. Transform an object into a creature. The object gains a mind and intelligence appropriate to its new form, although the highest LOG, WIL, or CHA attribute it can gain is 3. The cost is 2 MP for each die in the creature’s maximum dice pool.
Bulk Transform. Cost varies. Rather than simply changing a surface (as in Difficult Terrain), this transforms bulk material in 5' cubes. The effect must fit within the spell’s area, but in addition the spell costs 3 MP per 5' cube. This also applies to large structures such as castle walls, or to digging out ground (by transforming stone to air or something similar) for the duration of the spell.
De-Animate. Cost 8 MP. Transform a creature into an object. To transform an unwilling subject, you must spend an additional 6 MP. This includes the ability to turn creatures to stone (petrification).
Difficult Terrain. Cost 0 MP. Most terrain transformations are able to create difficult terrain. Difficult terrain halves a creature’s Speed unless it has an ability which allows it to move normally in such terrain. Difficult terrain can be caused by snow (ice), mud (ooze or earth), rubble (earth), swamp (water), deep undergrowth (plant), and more.
Elemental Damage. Cost 0 or 1 MP. Damage caused by transformed terrain can do up to 1 point of damage for free. By spending 1 MP, the damage can be increased to 1d6 damage of the appropriate type. This damage is automatic, and requires no attack roll. For more damage, evocation spells must be used instead. Elements useful for damaging effects include lava, acid, plants (thorns), earth (jagged ground), and so on.
Enlarge/Shrink. Cost 4 MP per size category. You can enlarge or shrink an object or creature.
Immobilize. Cost 5 MP. An immobilized creature suffers the severe Mobility status when it enters or starts its turn in the area. It can shake this off as normal. An immobilized creature cannot move from its spot on its own power (including flight) but is not paralyzed and can take actions normally. A creature might be immobilized by sticky mud (earth), ooze, grasping plants or even freezing ice.
Slick. Cost 2 MP. Slick areas are more slippery even than slippery areas. While a slippery area is merely difficult terrain (half Speed), a slick area is also almost impossible to stand on. Creatures can move safely across slick terrain at a Speed of 1. If they move faster than this, they must make a Difficult [16] AGI check or fall prone, ending their movement for that action. Note that slick areas are difficult terrain, too.
Split. Cost varies. You can split the target into multiple entities (1 MP for each). If transforming a target into multiple creatures, the total cost is that used for the Transform Creature enhancement. They all recombine when the spell ends as long as at least one is left.
Transform Creature. Cost 2 MP per die. Transform a creature into another creature. The target is transformed into a creature of the specified type. To transform an unwilling subject, you must spend an additional 6 MP. The cost is 2 MP for each die in the new creature’s maximum dice pool (minimum 2 MP).
Transform Element. Cost 1 MP per 300 gc value or by size. Transform an object into another object of similar size. For example, this can transform scraps of wood into a wagon wheel. This also enables the object’s new form to be of a different material. Use the value or the size of the object, whichever is larger.
Water Breathing. Cost 1 MP. The target is able to breathe normally underwater. For 2 MP, the target doesn’t need to breathe at all for the spell’s duration.
Note that the maximum depth/height of a transform effect that alters terrain is 5'. Deeper or taller effects can be achieved by layering effects one atop (or underneath) the other until the desired depth/height is achieved.