Woodland Creature
Notes — woodland creatures include rodents, rabbits, foxes, badgers, weasels, cats, and many other small creatures which are individually no real threat to an adventurer.
Woodland Creature
Tiny semi-sentient beast (1d6) Woodland Creature
STR 1 (1d6) AGI 8 (3d6) END 2 (1d6) INT 12 (4d6) LOG 1 (1d6) WIL 3 (2d6) CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 0 (0d6) REP 1 (1d6) MELEE DEFENSE 10RANGED DEFENSE 10MENTAL DEFENSE 10VITAL DEFENSE 10
INITIATIVE 4d6 PERCEPTION 8d6SPEED 6; CLIMB varies; JUMP 6'/3' CARRY 15lb (max lift 25lb)ACTIONS 2
🅜 Bite 2d6 melee (1d6 piercing damage)
Skills running 10 (4d6), perception 10 (4d6), dodging 3 (2d6), stealth 10 (4d6)
Woodland senses. Woodland creatures can have INITIATIVE and PERCEPTION scores higher than their maximum dice pool would normally allow.
Movement. Depending on the creature, the animal may have a CLIMB, SWIM, BURROW, or FLY speed as a regular movement mode. Woodland creatures are immune to difficult terrain.
Dash. Small woodland critters can use both actions to dash at twice their normal SPEED (moving a total of 12 squares).