Sometimes a character might have a weapon in each hand. This might be a pair of knives, or a pair of pistols; it might be a sword and a dagger; it even includes – technically – the use of a sword and shield. Dual-wielding also includes the use of double weapons, such as a two-bladed sword.
Generally speaking, any single-handed item (weapon or shield) can be used for offense or defense. Most items can be used for offense, including shields; shields and weapons with the Shield trait can be used for defense. Even improvised weapons and other items can be used, although they are subject to the usual improvisation penalties, which may make them near useless to all but the most proficient of combatants.
When a shield or a weapon with the Shield trait is used for defense, it grants a bonus to the wielder’s DEFENSE scores. An item is assumed to be used for defense unless it is specifically used for offense. Double weapons and missile weapons cannot usually be used for defense, and weapons with the Shield trait only apply to MELEE DEFENSE.
When a shield or a weapon is used for offense it cannot grant a defensive bonus to the wielder until the start of his next turn. Instead, once per turn, it grants an additional attack as a free action if the wielder has attacked twice already in the round (in other words, the wielder can spend two actions to get three attacks – two with the primary weapon, and one with the off-hand weapon). If an off-hand weapon is used for offense, all the character’s attacks for that round are subjected to a -2d6 die penalty.
Dual-wielding characters must use their AGI attribute to attack with their secondary weapon. They cannot use STR (melee) or INT (ranged).
Characters with the Ambidexterity trait do not suffer the -2d6 penalty to attacks when dual-wielding. Shields. As mentioned above, shields can also be used in offense. Shields typically do 1d6 blunt damage (or 1d6 piercing damage for a spiked shield).
You can incorporate exploits into attacks, but exploits can only each be used once per round as normal (and thus usually only apply to one attack).
Unarmed attacks
When making unarmed attacks, your body counts as one weapon. You cannot dual-wield two fists or a head and a knee; you are simply using your single body to attack. You can dual wield a one-handed weapon and an unarmed attack.