Critical Hits
A critical hit is scored when:
The attacker rolls three or more sixes on their attack roll and
The attack roll is high enough to hit the target and
The target is not immune to the damage type.
Note that if the attack roll is not high enough to hit the target, three sixes is an automatic hit, but not a critical hit.
A critical hit inflicts a temporary condition based on the damage type. Use one of the following methods.
GM chooses. If multiple conditions are available, the GM may choose one. The GM may always select a different condition.
Random choice. The player may roll randomly from the options listed below.
Attacker chooses. When you score a critical hit, describe the crit and choose a condition. Your choice must make sense (you can’t set somebody alight with a water cannon, or charm somebody with a grenade; nor can you knock a snake prone or disarm a tiger) and requires your GM’s approval. If you choose a condition which your target is immune to, the effect is wasted.
Damage Types & Conditions
Choose or roll below.
Acid damage inflicts the (1-3) Pain or (4-6) Burning condition.
Ballistic damage inflicts the (1-4) Bleeding or (5-6) Slowed condition.
Blunt damage inflicts the (1-2) Dazed, (3) Deaf, (4-5) Downed, or (6) Drunk condition.
Cold damage inflicts the (1-3) Slowed or (4-6) Restrained condition.
Electricity damage inflicts the (1-3) Dazed or (4-6) Pained condition.
Fire/heat damage inflicts the Burning condition.
Piercing damage inflicts the (1-3) Bleeding or (4-6) Pained condition.
Poison damage inflicts the Poisoned condition plus the (1) Sleeping, (2-3) Fatigued, or (4-6) Sick condition.
Psionic damage inflicts the (1-3) Dazed or (4-6) Confused condition.
Slashing damage inflicts the (1-2) Bleeding, (3-4) Blind, or (5-6) Slowed condition.
Sonic damage inficts the (1-3) Deaf, (4-5) Dazed, or (6) Sick condition.