February’s meeting was such fun! Over 50 ladies attended an evening of Hats by Sue Snook from T Snook, Hatters and Outfitters of Bridport known as the Largest Little Hat Shop in the Land. Sue talked us through the history of Snooks (1896 to date) and the story of the various hat styles
She came along with several boxes, enough to fill five tables, with hats of every style and colour – just a few to mention - Trilby, Top Hat, Bowler, Pork Pie, Fedora, Gambler, and Boater plus the Panama which Sue was clear to explain was not a style of hat. Panama means that it is handmade in Ecuador using the Toquilla Palm and only if these three criteria are met is it a true Panama. She keeps her five Panamas in the bathroom as they like humidity! Lots of stylish wedding hats too - tilt to the right (remember by ‘ladies are always right ‘!!)
And members were encouraged to model them. As you can see from the photo (more in the Gallery pages) the members loved the hats and thoroughly enjoyed the evening.