Country Fayre 2023
In recent years WeyBay has held an Autumn Country Fayre in their October meeting. It has become a popular annual event with members submitting their entries to the chosen categories and some light-hearted competitiveness. This year’s theme chosen was ‘Beautiful Dorset’. Guest judges were Neil Coad and Sarah Simpson.
Prize winners in the categories can be seen in the minutes of the meeting. After the presentation of prizes members enjoy looking at the entries and sampling the produce.
Neil Coad is a regular at farmer’s markets throughout Dorset and told the meeting about the Sherborne Pack Monday Fayre celebrating the start of autumn with the feast of St Michael which he’d recently participated in. An annual event that has been taking place since the 15th century beginning at midnight with the banging of pots and pans through the streets to announce the start of the fayre. Originally an agricultural fayre, artisan stalls of every type participate plus music and a fairground for all to enjoy.
A new category in WeyBay’s Country Fayre was poetry category which attracted several entries. Winning poem was by Gwyneth Brewster.
Congratulations to Gwyneth and to all the winners.
'Beautiful Dorset'
That time of year had come again, The Weybay Country Fayre!
When members show their talents and their great artistic flair.
“Dorset and it’s beauty” was rightly chosen as the theme;
And some entries were encouraged for judgement by the team.
I tried to think of something I could enter that could win,
But nothing really sprang to mind… (my talent’s pretty thin!)
Despite my lack of expertise, I tried my best to make
A painting of our County, but ‘twas awful as my cake!
Both turned out sadly soggy and I nearly gave a slap
To my long-suffering hubby who told me they were………..not terribly good!
I tried my hand at photos but the camera shook so much
The resulting blurry image was clear as double Dutch!
I’m not much cop at crafting and my knitting ain’t the best;
An attempted cashmere cardi was more like a string vest!!
But wait! What about a poem? Just how hard could it be???
I grabbed a pen and paper and sat down with mug of tea….
Five A4 note pads later, midst scrunched up words I’d written,
I realised ‘twould be easier herding rabid kittens;
Rhyming isn’t simple, and no matter how you force it,
Nothing in the dictionary sounds anything like Dorset.
Beau-ti-ful has syllables that must be nearing twenty!
For words to fit the rhythm, three syllables are plenty…
I grew more frustrated as the paper pile got higher;
The family retreated, to beyond my line of fire.
Eventually I gave up before going quite berserk,
And accepted I’m not cut out for arty handiwork.
I’ll leave it to members who don’t have to bust a corset
To scan lines with “beautiful” and find a rhyme for Dorset!!