It’s been a long time coming. It has been 18 months since members have been able to meet up face to face. But finally, and in line with government regulations WeyBay WI members were able to get together for a summer picnic at their new venue The Angling Club, Commercial Road, Weymouth.

They celebrated an historic moment in the country’s history when the NHS was born bringing free healthcare to everyone, 73 years ago. Forty-six members brought their own picnic of delicious homemade cakes, scones with cream and jam many other nutritious goodies. The Committee organised a special NHS cocktail for all members to raise a glass to the NHS on their special day and a collection was made for Joseph Weld Hospice and the Dorchester Hospital Cancer Ward.

Despite the lockdown the membership of WeyBay has remained buoyant. Some new members joined in with longer standing members for a first 'normal' meeting for a long time. Everyone was very excited, catching up on news and enjoying their first visit to their new home on the beautiful harbourside.

Thank you to the committee for organising this historic meet up.