Third Session

Post date: Jan 23, 2010 11:56:05 PM

Fatty McBeefy (Jack), Wee Mad Iain (Rosemary), Bloody Huge Duncan (James), Angus the Loud (Larry), Sharp Johnny, and Medium Horace (Amanda) came back triumphantly from discarding the sword. A party of knights with a cart behind it has been looking for them, and dismounted to attack. Angus climbed under the canvas and discovered an octagonal tabletop. The ropes turned out to be too tightly wrapped and too large for him to untie, but he was able to untie the donkey from the cart. Meanwhile, the other Feegles scared the horses and the knights chased after them. Wee Mad Iain found the weak spot on the table and smashed it to splinters.

Some of them went back to the castle to retrieve the written-down prophecies, while Iain and Duncan went to talk to the Gonnagle. The Gonnagle said they were in good shape at this point, since the dragon would have to be killed with the sword that is no longer on the disc. He suggested that they go get the prophecies, and then the Feegles could distribute a new copy of the prophecies that described the sword's new location. Rosemary swapped out the drunk Iain for Mad Robbie the Gonnagle, and they rejoined the rest at the castle. They sneak in underfoot past the guards and go upstairs. Mad Robbie plays the mousepipes to try to put the wizard to sleep so they can kick him in the head and addle his brains. The pipes only annoy him though, and he curses and rails against them, telling them to go to Hell. Everything goes black...