
Do I have to have played Don't Rest Your Head before to play in your game?

No! We expect we'll be able to explain the rules in about 15 minutes, and part of the character sheet is a rules summary to help you remember how conflict is resolved, what can take you out of the game, etc. If you've got questions now, please send them to us so we can help you understand before we get started!

Do I have to have read the Discworld series to play in your game?

Nooo... however, it will be really helpful if you've read the three main books with Feegles in them: The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, and Wintersmith (they also appear, in much less intelligible form, in Carpe Jugulum). These three main books are short Young Adult books which are available in many libraries, so it shouldn't take long to read them; if you're crunched for time, go for just the first one. And check out the lexicon to see what some of the 'Feeglespeak' means!

You're starting at 9:00 AM on a Saturday; are you people insane?

Probably. However, you don't have to be there with the first bunch of players. We'll be 'taking out' Feegles all day long, so anyone can jump into the horde of little blue men when the numbers dwindle (subject to DM approval).

You're going until 2:00 AM on a Sunday; are you people insane?

See above. However, you don't have to stay until the end. We'll try to have somebody who isn't currently playing recording the (mis)adventures of our Feegles so that you (and the rest of the Internet) can read about it later.

Will there be pizza/Cheetos/Twizzlers/Chinese takeout?

If you help pay for it. We'll have to either break or send out for lunch and dinner at some point, and at this point we're not planning to cook any full meals that day, though we'll have some snacks on hand. If some of our non-players want to help staff the kitchen for a time, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated!

Will there be whisky/beer/Jagermeister?

If you bring it (we'll have non-alcoholic drinks on hand, of course). If you're 21+ and can drink and play (or at least watch responsibly), we don't care. Crash space is limited, though, so make sure you have a way to get home.

Can I bring my kids?

If they've read the stories, they might get a kick out of watching us play, or if they're old enough to 'get it' they're welcome to play themselves. However our house isn't really set up for childcare and we aren't planning on having anybody on babysitting duty, so you'll have to keep track of your own little ones. Shocking as it may seem, our house doesn't have cable or a TV.