Drunken Talents

Your drunkenness talent is something that most Feegles can do, but you excel at (especially once you've had a wee dram). Each time you use it, you may add as many as one more dice to your Drunkenness pool (everyone starts the game sober, a condition that is not expected to last long). We assume that any Feegle is capable of finding something to drink at any given time, regardless of his circumstances. And if he can't, perhaps one of his brothers can... But beware; if you reach five dice and Drunkenness dominates again, you'll pass out and your Feegle will exit the session.

Some examples of Drunkenness Talents:

    • Drinkin' - seems recursive, and yet. If you're forced to engage in a drinking contest with a water buffalo, you'll be glad to have this fellow on your side. Of course, it also means that you're unlikely to sober up often. Start the game with one Drunkenness Dice!

    • Heidbuttin' - one of a Feegle's favorite ways to win a fight. Your heid is about as thick as a battleship...whatever that is. Of course, this may mean you're not quite as smart as your brothers.

    • Sneakin' - moving around and not being seen by bigjobs, dragons, maybe even hags. Of course, this also means you're hard to find when it's time for dinner, and probably means you're more wee than most Feegles.

    • Kickin' - a Feegle's other favorite way to win (or start) a fight. Your toenails are the stuff of legend, and the calluses on the bottom of your feet can double as sandpaper in a pinch.

    • Runnin' - all Feegles are fast, compared to bigjobs. You're fast compared to other Feegles. Of course, this also means that you're likely to be out of earshot by the time the Big Man finishes explaining the PLN.

    • Lyin' - a lesser version of explainin' (see Wyrd Talents), but still useful for getting out of sticky situations when you can't use your heid or your feet. Of course, this may mean that nobody believes you when you're actually telling the truth about the magic weasels riding owls just over the next hill.

    • Hidin' in Plain Sight - Feegles are small and unobtrusive by nature. You've raised this to an art form; bigjobs often mistake you for a coo-beastie, or another bigjob, or even a wee tiny dragon. Of course, this may mean that one your brothers may not recognize you either...

    • Arguin' -Maybe you're the Big Man, or maybe you just get on the Big Man's nerves. In either case, you've got the ability to see alternatives to the usual "kick it or steal it" PLN. Of course, that alternative may be to set it on fire or heidbutt it...

    • Stealin' - takin' stuff what isn't guarded is easy. Snafflin' stuff what's currently being used, or is surrounded by traps, or moving at a high rate of speed on a broomstick... that takes talent! Of course, this may mean that nobody wants to invite you over for dinner anymore.

    • Bouncin' Back - all Feegles are tough enough to survive what would be certain death for a bigjob. You're so hardy that you've heidbutted Death himself and run off. Of course, this also probably means you get into even more fights than other Feegles. Add another box of Crivens! to your character sheet.

    • Cursin' - turnin' somebody's ears blue with the pungency of your language just adds a spring to your step. The challenge is when you can make them a) faint, b) run for the hills, or c) ask you to spell that. It also impresses your brothers, which can be handy when you're in a pinch. On the other hand, it probably means your ability to shut your mouth is delayed, at best.

You can, of course, craft your own Drunkenness Talent from what you know (or believe to be true) of Feegles.