First Session

Post date: Jan 23, 2010 7:07:35 PM

They were hanging out in their burrow when their Gonnagle, Mad Robbie, came in wailing and gnashing his teeth. Apparently someone has pulled out the Sword in the Scone, an ancient weapon that was plunged into a loaf of dwarf bread ages ago by the Wee Free Men to keep there from being a king of the Disc. They even had the Gonnagle of the time write up a set of prophecies to keep bigjobs distracted.

Tiny Winkie (Lizzy), Old Robert (Jack), Maddish McIan (Aubry), Terrible William Bigears (Kit), and Wee Furry Jock (Jamie) set out to stop him from succeeding. They wake up Sharp Johnny, who spotted him originally, who tells them that the bigjob with the sword has taken over the baron's castle in Yelp. Wee Furry Jock appropriates a 6-month-old puppy that they ride off. Terrible Willie Bigears gets bored and starts fighting with his fellow Feegles, which startles the dog and it bucks them off. Maddish McIan is certain that the dog will come back, and it does. They ride to Yelp where they discover that a bunch of knights have taken up residence. They try to go in the front door, but the guards notice them riding their dog. They split up; Terrible William and Sharp Johnny fight the guards, and the rest sneak around the back and get in through the kitchens. They are spotted in the kitchens however, and cause a panic. Tiny Winkie was kicked into a wall, and retaliated by stabbing the cook mercilessly in the foot. They all meet up outside the baron's chambers and sneak under the door. They discover a skinny young man, the sword in question, and a fat wizard named Darlin who was explaining that His Highness that he had to take a bride and obtain an Octagonal Table for his keep. The boy whined that he didn't want to, but stopped for a moment to listen to something silent.

Terrible William tried to headbutt the wizard and was frozen by a spell (after succeeding). Old Robert, Wee Furry Jock, and Sharp Johnny go to steal the sword, while Maddish McIan tried to talk the boy out of his plans. McIan got hold of the sword (and discovered it had a vaguely protective, nannying personality) and was briefly stunned by this discovery. The wizard grabbed the sword back and bopped McIan on the head before teleporting out with the boy and the sword.

Nobody passed out or wyrded out, but Old Robert was extremely drunk by the end, and Tiny Winkie had one permanent Wyrdness Dice.