Wyrd Talents

Your Wyrd Talent should be unique and impressive. Feegles for miles around should hear your name and be able to say, "Och! That's the scunner what can (do whatever it is you do)!". A minor use of your Wyrd Talent requires at least one Wyrd Dice to be rolled; a major use requires at least three, and as many as six. Wyrd Dice do not accumulate each time you use them; only if Wyrd Dominates when you are already stressed do you need to add a permanent Wyrd Dice to your general pool. In this way, you can eventually have as many as eight Wyrd Dice. But beware; if all if your Willpower is converted to Wyrd, you're no longer a self-directed soul and you are now a prisoner of your fate. This may mean that you become an NPC, or it may mean that you die gloriously (and quickly). Either way, your character is offski for the rest of this session, at least...

Some examples of Wyrd Talents include:

    • Writin' - generally consists of making scratches on paper or tree bark that others can read later. Useful for telling the kelda where you're taking the boys, or leaving an IOU for a hag. Taken to extremes, writin' can be used to make contracts, collect on loans, and otherwise engage in... lawyerin'.

    • Figurin' - countin', subtractin' without actually stealin', and other mystical measurements. Useful for figuring out if anyone is missing, or how wide a river is, or how soon those magic weasels that are pouring down the hill will arrive. Taken to extremes, it can help produce a cunning battle plan, provided you can get your brothers to stand still long enough to listen to it.

    • Gonnaglin' - big magic, almost as impressive as keldarin'. Involves the use of poetry so pungent it can make the sky weep, and the mousepipes to rouse your brothers to battle, put the enemy to sleep (or at least make him fall over holding his ears), or recountin' the stories of Feegles who have already moved on to the Last World. Extreme gonnaglin' gets stories told about you by other gonnagles. Gonnagles get an extra Willpower Die to start the game with.

    • Drinkin' - some Feegles strike fear into the heart of brewers just by walking into their shop. Useful for drinking contests with a whole pack of water buffalo, or crossing a raging river, or putting out a forest fire, given enough time. Taken to extremes, it can cause floods, deafness in others, and drought (of draughts, anyway). Feegles with this Wyrd Talent get an extra Drunkenness box on their character sheet.

    • Animal Handlin' -any Feegle can pick up a ship and run with it; that's not what this is about. Rather, this is the talent of being able to talk the weasel, or coo-beastie, or wild boar or what have you, into letting you ride it out in style. Taken to extremes, it can allow you to fly on the backs of birds or make off with an entire pack of ships by yourself.

    • Navigatin' - If a Feegle ever was to get lost, which would never actually happen, this Feegle would be the one to find them and bring them back. Useful for tracking down lost things, exploring new territories, and returning home again in a somewhat timely manner. Taken to extremes, it can even enable you to cross into other dimensions of reality, and show your brothers how to follow you.

    • Bein' Absolutely Certain - more than just your average Feegle self-confidence, this talent can make it possible to understand what a cheese says, change the number of enemies you thought you were facing, or convince the Big Man that you're not responsible for all of his tobacco being gone. Often associated with the descriptor 'Daft' or 'Slightly Mad'. Taken to extremes, it can allow a Feegle to change reality around him to suit what he had in mind anyway.

    • Explainin' - an advanced form of lyin', useful when the kelda asks questions for which the actual answers would be unwise (or perhaps just uninteresting). Taken to extremes, it can be used to avoid jail, certain death, or the Foldin' of the Arms.

    • Swordfightin' - all Feegles carry a sword around with them for the look of the thing, but you actually have some idea of how to use it. Whether this means in combat or as a handy lever, you've made yourself much more useful. Taken to extremes, this talent can turn you into a 6-inch-tall Cuisinart.

Of course, you can make up your own Wyrd Talent if you're so inclined.

Try to make it useful in more than one situation, and as 'distinctive' as you can!