
Feegles are not generally known for their cooperative, synergistic nature. Assisting another Feegle who is handling a conflict is difficult; unless the DM agrees, you may only roll your Willpower dice to help out, and then only to determine successes, not dominance. The exception is that if multiple talents are being used to deal with a single conflict (Explainin' and Stealin', for example), all involved players will roll all applicable dice and then whoever's pool dominates is considered to be the primary player. No more than three Feegles (the primary antagonist and two others) may take part in a single conflict, due to the disorganized nature of Feegles.

In either case, all Feegles involved in a conflict suffer any consequences of Drunkenness, Wyrd, or Wailey dominating. If Willpower dominates, only the primary player gets to uncheck a box/remove a Drunkenness die.