
The W.A. Principles of Recovery








We accept the outcomes of our endeavors – whatever the results, whatever the timing. We know that impatience, rushing, and insisting on a perfect result will only slow any progress. We are gentle with our efforts, knowing that our new way of living requires much practice and that our best is good enough for now. We freely admit our weaknesses and mistakes. We realize we do not have to do everything ourselves. We pray and ask for help, delegating when we need to. We forgive ourselves and others for failing to live up to conceptual ideals.


We hold what other W.A. members share with us in confidence. We respect each other’s anonymity in order to foster freedom of expression and protection against the negative impact of gossip. We provide a safe place for workaholics to recover. We treat others as we wish to be treated.


If we are completely honest about ourselves, and together we apply the Steps, Traditions, Tools, and Principles in our lives, we will soon begin to receive these gifts of sanity and balance.