Special Issue in Geovisualization

Special Issue "Geovisualization: Current Trends, Challenges, and Applications" (Geographies, ISSN 2673-7086) 

The process of geovisualization involves scientific techniques which are implemented in order to represent spatiotemporal information that describes geographic entities and phenomena. The application of geovisualization methods allows the visual exploration of geospatial data using static, animated, and interactive cartographic products. The majority of spatial analysis and geographic information system applications resulted in specific representations which could substantially support the identification of potential relationships, patterns and trends related to the spatial and temporal distribution of geographic data. Hence, the geovisualization process has become an essential part of different crucial research/scientific and professional domains. Undoubtedly, the immense availability of both open source and proprietary software tools, the considerable number of available sensors and devices, as well as the freely distributed geospatial data have contributed toward this direction. However, the popularity that geovisualization methods have gained implies several challenges and new solutions, especially considering the advent of the Big Data era.

Guest Editors:

Full list of published papers:


Krassanakis, V.; Skopeliti, A.; Keskin, M.; Cybulski, P. Geovisualization: Current Trends, Challenges, and Applications. Geographies 2023, 3, 801-805. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies3040043

List of Contributions:

Goebbels, S.; Pohle-Fröhlich, R. Automatic Unfolding of CityGML Buildings to Paper Models. Geographies 2021, 1, 333-345. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies1030018.

Stamou, L. Cartography and Art: A Comparative Study Based on Color. Geographies 2022, 2, 87-110. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2010007.

Iliopoulou, P.; Feloni, E. Spatial Modelling and Geovisualization of House Prices in the Greater Athens Region, Greece. Geographies 2022, 2, 111-131. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2010008.

Zhang, S.; Lippitt, C.; Bogus, S.; Taylor, T.; Haley, R. Mapping Construction Costs at the National Level. Geographies 2022, 2, 132-144. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2010009.

Li, M.; McGrath, H.; Stefanakis, E. Geovisualization of Hydrological Flow in Hexagonal Grid Systems. Geographies 2022, 2, 227-244. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2020016.

Wada, K.; Wallner, G.; Vos, S. Studying the Utilization of a Map-Based Visualization with Vitality Datasets by Domain Experts. Geographies 2022, 2, 379-396. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2030024.

Blana, N.; Kavadas, I.; Tsoulos, L. A Constraint-Based Generalization Model Incorporating a Quality Control Mechanism. Geographies 2023, 3, 321-343. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies3020017.

Lampropoulos, G.; Panagiotopoulos, G.; Giannakoula, C.; Kokkalas, A. Geovisualization of Historical Geospatial Data: A Web Mapping Application for the 19th-Century Kaupert’s Maps of Attica. Geographies 2023, 3, 398-415. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies3020021