
LandRate (Landscape Rating) toolbox

LandRate toolbox is a complete software appropriate for full post-experimental eye movement analysis. LandRate constitutes an extension of EyeMMV toolbox (Krassanakis et al., 2014) and supports the generation, in just one simple step, of a full analysis report based on experimental data collected through eye tracking. The toolbox supports the computation of a new aggregated index (LRI) suitable for the performance of landscape rating procedures. This index combines both quantitative eye tracking metrics and experts’ opinions while it can be easily adapted in similar fields. Please note that LandRate toolbox can be executed in MATLAB R2017a (and after) version. 

You can find a full description of LandRate toolbox in the article below:

Krassanakis V., Misthos M. L., Menegaki M. (2018), LandRate toolbox: an adaptable tool for eye movement analysis and landscape rating, In P. Kiefer et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Eye Tracking for Spatial Research, Switzerland, Zurich, pp. 40-45.

LandRate toolbox

The source code of LandRate toolbox is distributed on GitHub under the third version of GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You can download LandRate toolbox from here.

Vassilios Krassanakis, Personal webpage