
patchIT tool

PatchIT constitutes a MATLAB tool suitable for the systematic and automatized extraction of patches from images based on user-defined geometrical and spatial criteria. Patches can be extracted in both a sliding and random manner and can be exported either as images, MATLAB .mat files, or raw text files. The tool offers further functionality, including masking operations that act as spatial filters, identifying candidate patch areas, as well as geometric transformations by applying patch value indexing. It also efficiently handles issues that arise in large-scale patch processing scenarios in terms of memory and time requirements. 

You can find a full description of patchIT in the article below:

Kesidis, A., Krassanakis, V., Misthos, L.-M., & Merlemis N. (2022), patchIT: A Multipurpose Patch Creation Tool for Image Processing Applications. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 6(12), 111. 

PatchIT is freely distributed to the scientific community on GitHub platform under the third version of GNU General Public License (GPL v3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You can download patchIT from here.

Vassilios Krassanakis, Personal webpage