PeyeMMV module

PeyeMMV is a Python module implements the two-step spatial dispersion fixation detection algorithm imported in both EyeMMV and LandRate MATLAB toolboxes. This algorithm is based on spatiotemporal criteria, belongs to the family of I-DT based algorithms and can be used as a spatial noise filtering approach during fixation identification process. PeyeMMV module could be utilized in order to extract fixation clusters among raw gaze data as well as to generate a basic plot that visualizes both gaze data and fixation centers positions.

A full description about the module can be found in the article below: 

Krassanakis, V. (2023). PeyeMMV: Python implementation of EyeMMV’s fixation detection algorithm. Software Impacts, 100475.

The source code of PeyeMMV module is distributed on GitHub under the third version of GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You can download PeyeMMV toolbox from here.

Vassilios Krassanakis, Personal webpage