
MatMouse toolbox

MatMouse toolbox is a complete software suitable for the performance of experimental studies based on mouse movements tracking and analysis. MatMouse supports the implementation of task-based visual search experiments. The toolbox provides specific functions which can be utilized for the experimental building and mouse tracking processes, the analysis of the recorded data in specific metrics, the production of related visualizations, as well as for the generation of statistical grayscale heatmaps which could serve as an objective ground truth product. MatMouse can be executed as a standalone package or integrated in existing MATLAB scripts and/or toolboxes. Please note that MatMouse toolbox can be executed in MATLAB R2020b (and after) version. 

You can find a full description of the MatMouse toolbox in the article below:

Krassanakis, V., & Kesidis, A. L. (2020). MatMouse: A Mouse Movements Tracking and Analysis Toolbox for Visual Search Experiments. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(4), 83. 

MatMouse is freely distributed to the scientific community on GitHub platform under the third version of GNU General Public License (GPL v3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You can download MatMouse toolbox from here.

Vassilios Krassanakis, Personal webpage