Hill-shading dataset

The dataset includes both raw and analyzed eye tracking and expert judgment data collected during the observation of three different hill-shading methods, including: the standard method based on ideal diffuse reflection, the Multidirectional Oblique-Weighted method – MDOW and the combination of a MDOW’s variation with standard hill-shading. In all hill-shading methods applied, the light sources are located under 45 degrees of altitude angle, while the azimuth angle of single light source position for ideal diffusion used in the first and the last is 315 degrees.

The dataset is freely distributed  to the scientific community via this link.

A full description of the dataset can be found in the article below:

Tzelepis, N., Kaliakouda, A., Krassanakis, V., Misthos, L.-M., & Nakos, B. (2020). Evaluating the perceived visual complexity of multidirectional hill-shading. Geodesy and Cartography, 69(2), 161-172.  https://doi.org/10.24425/gac.2020.131085   

Vassilios Krassanakis, Personal webpage