Ridge Gourd Chutney

My mom learned this from my aunt and since then its a staple at our place. It is much healthier option than traditional coconut chutney.

When I have lone gourd sitting in fridge, or on the vine I make this chutney.

Ridge Gourds on the vine.

1 Medium Ridge Gourd

1-2 cloves of Garlic

1-2 Green Chilies (per taste)

2 tbsp Toasted Dry Coconut (unsweetened)

1/4 C Roasted Peanuts (little more than a fistful)

3-4 stalks Cilantro

Salt per taste

1 tbsp Oil

Preparation -

Wash gourd thoroughly and slice it - about 1/4" thick.

Heat oil in heavy bottom pan and then add slit green chilies and garlic. Saute for couple of minutes. Add sliced gourd and saute until golden brown.

Add toasted coconut, peanuts, salt and cilantro.

Let it cool down a little and then grind it to a chutney like consistency using very little water. It should not be too coarse.

Tips -

  1. Taste a small piece of gourd before proceeding as sometimes they can be bitter just like cucumbers.
  2. My aunt adds 1-2 tbsp yogurt while grinding the chutney but I use water and may be tsp or so lime juice.
  3. I like this chutney in my sandwiches, with idlis and dosas.