I appreciate you sending me this questionnaire - Waitakere City is extremely walking and cycle friendly I've spent 15 years developing a network of walk and cycle ways. Right now I am chairing meetings, doing a full days work, campaigning every night and I simply do not have time to fill in yet another survey - I have completed a similar cycling questionnaire and I have copied that below. Thanks for your interest.
Bob Harvey
Name: Bob Harvey - Mayor Waitakere City
Regional/city/district council or health board you are standing for:
Constituency or ward where applicable:
1. What do you see as the advantages of
(a) walking and - walking is one of the great pleasures of life, I'm totally convinced that soon public transport will be the required menas of transport unless there are huge strides forward to electric cars, I believe the oil crisis will see limited use of the current forms of transport.
(b) cycling - Ihave been a lifelong cyclist, I own a bike and my only regret is that my job continualy limits my access to it.
as a form of transport in your area?
2How would you rate (good, average, poor) facilities for(a) pedestrians and - superb
(b) cyclists - absolutely amazing and fantastic, a city that has planned for cycleways and walkways like no other
in your area? This could include such things as cycleways, pedestrian overbridges, cycle parking, quality of footpath
3. Would you support lowered speed limits on certain streets to enhance their use by pedestrians or cyclists? - absolutely
4. Are you aware of where walking or cycling paths/lanes/routes are? - yes
5. How well signposted are these facilities? Please note if signage is better for one mode than the other. very well sign posted in Waitakere
Are you aware of parts of the roadways or public spaces that (a) pedestrians or (b) cyclists can’t use? - no all are available except motorways
7. What would you do about these barriers? remove them as quickly as possible except for motorways - we have an excellent cycleway alongside the Western Motorway and we are linking our new train station with a total regional network for cycle and walkways
Do you think there are certain conditions under which parking on footpaths is permissible? no for parking cars and yes for parking cycles, we have one at the council building which I am very proud of.
9. If your ward/community does not have a walking or cycling route map, would you support creating one? Yes
Does the council have a walking and cycling strategy, and if not, would you support having one? Yes we have an intense one and have had one for the last 15 years.
11. Do you support travel plans in schools and workplaces? If so, what would you do to facilitate them? Absolutely we have our cycle and walkway officers who visit schools and which are readily available to workplaces already.
What other techniques could you suggest to improve walking and cycling as a regular activity? greater communication and awareness of walking tracks, walkways and cyleways
What role do you see the council has in promoting public health? How do you see walking and/or cycling contributing? Council is very important - the most important next to public health and governemtn services. Wakling and cycleing is a very large contributing factor to general health and well being.
14. Does your council or DHB have a travel plan for staff and visitors? Yes
Will you sign the Walking Charter? http://www.livingstreets.org.nz/ICharter.htm Yes
Do you cycle and/or walk regularly? We recognize of course that many people who do not remain supportive of our aims to increase rates of both. Yes I wakl regularlry and tramp in the Waitakere Ranges and in regional parks and I am looking to use my bike more this summer.===================================
Good for you.Keep up the hard work.
Cordially Garry Sturgess
I Alan,
Thnak you.. for the interest,
I lived inCopenhagen over 4 years, still have my bike there?? you also need a scarf-woollen one?
Gary Russell
Would you actively pursue policies that would enable utility cycling to develop along the lines that have made it the transportation mode of choice for so many in Copenhagen?
Would you lobby to rescind the law that compels cyclists to wear helmets in order to make it discretionary on the rider (as it is wherever utility cycling is well-established ) ?
Would you give preference to a comprehensive network of cycle lanes over retaining the right to curbside parking?
Would you lobby to rescind the law which prohibits cyclists from using pavements
(at least as an interim measure for the years it will otherwise take to establish real separation from motorized vehicles)to enable 'slow cyclists'(e.g.the elderly)to take up utility cycling?
-Before you answer this question, next time you're out driving, take note of how few pedestrians are actually using our pavements and keep in mind that there are places in the world where they co-exist.
Would you lobby for the installation of bike racks on ALL public transport vehicles ?
I ride a bike and am really surprised how hard it i our so called eco city for bike riders
Michael kidd
candidate for waitakere
Keving Healy .Thanks Alan. I am standing for the Waitakere Licensing Trust, which
has no connection to, or influence over, local government with regard
to transport.
As an individual I support the concept of walking and cycling as
positive forms of 'active transport'.
Regards, Kevin
Ref your survey. I am not a candidate for council so I would have no input at council level in respect of greater use of cycles. However I would support moves toincrease the number of cycle lanes in Waitakere City and Auckland city. I beklieve cycle helmets are as necessary as car seat belts and therefore I would not support their abolition and neither would I support the abolition of any law which prohibits the use of cycles on pavements.That would give free rein to skateboarders. Pavements are for pedestrians. Jim Carney
Hello Alan
Thank you for your E mail dated 18 Sep 20007.
It was really good of you to provide all the information. After viewing some of it I would like to say, that the concept has some merit.
It could work down in the South Island and more so in Christchurch. Up north in West Auckland it is a bit hilly for that type of bicycle. Also Aucklanders just love their cars and it is hard enough to get them into using the public transport system.
Bye for now
Arthur Albert
Morning Allan,
Please except my apologies for not being able to complete your questionaire.
I would love to answer these question how ever with my busy schedule I am unable at this time, but will definately be able too by Friday 28th September.
I use walking as my way of getting around also for fitness purposes (Bodybuilding & Rugby League) however am fully behind helping make cycling more aware in the community for away of transport, fun & fitness.
Thanks Allan,
Daryle Guttenbeil.
Hello Mr. Preston,
Have you not heard of the KISS principal, I have had so many questionnaires from so many interest groups, most of which I have little idea what the heck they are about.
Just ask some simple questions and I will answer them I do not need all the crape that goes with them.
I both walk and cycle and was in my young days a member of the Pt Chevalier Cycling Club, what else do you need to know?
Regards, Allen Davies.