Manu Caddie
24 Sep
Thanks heaps for this Alan. I am very interested in making our city “cycle-centric” – not just ‘cycle friendly’.
In my submission to the GDC Annual Plan earlier this year (before I had decided to stand for Council) I included the following recommendations:
6. Bi-cycling, Public Transport & Carbon Neutrality
6.1 That GDC increase the number of cycle lanes and include space for bi-cycles on all road bridges in the city.
6.2 That GDC provide more incentives for people to use public transport and reduce reliance on private motor-vehicles within the city areas.
6.3 That GDC provide more incentives for people to use bi-cycles and horses for transport in rural townships.
6.4 That GDC adopt a goal of being a ‘Carbon Neutral’ region and develop an action plan to achieve this by 2012.
6.5 That GDC adopt a goal of being a ‘Carbon Neutral’ organisation and develop an action plan to achieve this by 2010.
6.6 The future of humanity and a number of other species is threatened with extinction if we do not change our behaviour and it is the responsibility of community leaders to demonstrate through their influence and decisions a commitment to a sustainable future for present and future generations.
Thinking about it a bit more, I should have added other rationale including:
- the health benefits of cycling over car use from more physical and less sedentary activity;
- the social benefits of cycling as an opportunity to meet neighbours and other commuters;
- the economic benefits of being less dependent on oil, reduced road maintenance costs and reduced vehicle fuel/maintenance costs – and the increased ability of people to maintain their own transportation;
- the environmental benefits of improved air quality, less noise pollution and a greener city overall.
- the safety benefits of fewer accidents as cyclists have to contend with fewer ‘motorised missiles on wheels’.
I spoke to my submission in front of the full Council and when asked about these recommendations I talked about the danger I have experienced trying to negotiate Wainui Road and the Gladstone Road Bridge on bicycle – also some of the country roads could be made much safer for cyclists with a few simple measures like the “One metre bubble” warning signs that we see around Whakatane and other places that value the safety of cyclists.
Would you actively pursue policies that would enable utility cycling to develop along the lines that have made it the transportation mode of choice for so many in Copenhagen?
As shown above I have been advocating for these already and would be VERY interested in working with the ‘cycle lobby’ to access good quality research and case studies that make strong economic, environmental, social and health arguments for improving the region for cyclists.
Would you lobby to rescind the law that compels cyclists to wear helmets in order to make it discretionary on the rider (as it is wherever utility cycling is well-established ) ?
I would like to read the research on how much protection helmets actually afford cyclists. I know for me, the incoinvenience of wearing a helmet is a significant disincentive to ride. On the other hand until we force cars to slow down or set and reach a goal of having at least 30% of traffic in the city by bicycle, it may be that helmets continue to protect cyclists from the dangers of inconsiderate, dangerous or absent-minded motorists.
Would you give preference to a comprehensive network of cycle lanes over retaining the right to curbside parking?
Would you lobby to rescind the law which prohibits cyclists from using pavements (at least as an interim measure for the years it will otherwise take to establish real separation from motorized vehicles)to enable 'slow cyclists'(e.g.the elderly)to take up utility cycling?
-Before you answer this question, next time you're out driving, take note of how few pedestrians are actually using our pavements and keep in mind that there are places in the world where cyclists and pedestrians co-exist harmoniously in significantly greater numbers.
There are many opportunities for providing cycle ways on footpaths as they have in places like Tauranga and Wellington.
I would be interested in learning more about the specific safety risks associated with this practice before saying yes I would lobby for to rescind the law. My only concern is the danger of vehicles reversing at speed from driveways, but the same danger is present whether the cyclist is on the road or footpath – just sometimes hedges and fences block drivers vision to the footpath and it is clearer by the time they get to the road.
'Leaving it to the market to decide' is not working as virtually none of New Zealand's bicycle importers or retailers are taking the initiative to either promote or make available the types of bicycles and technologies which would make utility cycling practicable by a much broader range of people(e.g. the elderly ) or practical (e.g. for carrying children or shopping).
To ensure that fleets of utility bicycles become established throughout New Zealand's urban areas, would you promote or support a campaign that will create awareness of utility cycling technologies among the public to help to stimulate consumer demand ?
e.g. actively lobby for the acquisition of a fleet of utility bicycles for council staff to get around town on.
Definitely. I would also support the establishment of neighbourhood bicycle workshops similar to the one my friends at 128 Abel Smith Street in Wellington provide. That way people can access specialised tools and replace parts from bicycles that are broken – it’s also a community-building opportunity in all sorts of ways .
Would you lobby for the installation of bicycle racks on ALL public transport vehicles ?
Yes, I’m not sure why they don’t have them already!
Do you cycle yourself? - And if not at this stage in your life, what would it take to get you to take up 'utility' cycling in the future ?
I own two bicycles, a Repco Victory Tri-A road bike that I bought off TradeMe. And a Healing Road/Mountain Bike that I got free with a video camera from Chris Fenn Appliances. I did a lot of riding a couple of years ago around the Poverty bay flats with my friend Dave Tims, and went on a few of the twilight bike rides with the club. Recently I haven’t been riding so much but having just got rid of one of our cars I am using the bike more. I also take my 5 year old daughter riding over on the courts/carpark at Te Poho o Rawiri Marae – she’s almost ready to loose the training wheels!
Would you recommend that other people (children/ the elderly) cycle?
Definitely. I do have safety concerns for children – our neighbours kids wear fluoro jackets just to bike to school – they have to cross Wainui Rd. And my wife’s Uncle Dave is 80 years old and still rides his ten speed with turned up handle bars into town from Kaiti.
Note: I have added the Copenhagen link to my campaign website:
Also, regardless of whether or not I am elected, I will continue advocating on the issues outlined above – I may have a little more influence if I was on Council of course – and would enjoy working with others passionate about these issues to improve our community
Manu .
Hi Alan, great idea!
What a flash back to the days of holland! I would love to see bikes being used more often, and these ones would be great! We used to have sidecarts when we were kids. So all for it!
Question 1: Yes would love to see more of this as a mode of transport. i would definatley be interested in introducing more biking lanes or areas.
2. Hmmm. I think it was the pedestrians that needed helmets for all the bikes coming around the corner!! Thats a toughie, I do believe it should be a personal right, however first there must be safe lanes and the like. If they are on the road, and especially with our boy racer problem............ deserves thought.
3. Yes. Or even better, there must be a way of providing parking and bike lanes!!
4. No. Simply I would not do this as walking is also environmentally wonderful, and we have many aged people. There really does need to be separate lanes. However, yes I agree, if they were used more like a walker, no harm in a white line down the middle of the footpath!!
Bicycle racks on public transport is a fabulous idea. I would love one and use one, councilor or not, but I would probably be blown away if the whole of council got on them!! People dont tend to use councillors as a role model. Somehow it needs to be marketed and branded as the next funky cool thing, then the shops would buy them it. hmmmm
No I dont have a bike, but if I go to a garage sale and there is one there, I will grab it. Good for the old legs too!
Kind Regards
Emma Chadwick
Owen Lloyd, DHB Candidate
25th of September.2007
The short answer to your questions is that I agree with you that if we
promote this town as a cycling town i know from a district health view
we will surly improve the well being of people exercise = healthier
Gordon Ashton
Kia Ora Alan
Thinks for the opportunity to respond to such a riveting question.
In 2005 I spent 3 weeks in Belgium in the wonderful city of Ghent. The first thing to catch my attention was the wide use of bicycles as a form of transportation.
So impressed by this I took photos of bicycle racks at the local train stations, quizzed locals and found out as much information as I could so that I could come back to Gisborne with some fresh approach to transport.
In Ghent at train station there seemed to be thousands of bikes parked in racks, people get off trains, jump on the bikes and in the morning/afternoon or whenever then return them. The bikes are owned by the Local Authority, they all looked like surplus bikes from the 2nd world war, are not locked and people just use them and return them. The roads are all marked with bicycle lanes and with the reduction in motorised traffic it is really safe. I dont know what there stats are for bikes on the road or accidents but it would be worth researching. The other observation I made was that the citizens of Ghent had good public transport options and there buses, trains and bikes appeared to be their choice of transport.
So the big question is how do we transport that same ethic to New Zealand. I actually told our Mayor in Gisborne what I had seen and suggested that in Gissy would be a good place to trail something, he never got back to me and to be honest it wasnt until I recieved this email that I recalled this. So I will pick up on this issue when elected in Gisborne.
As for your 2nd question, I will not support the rescinding of helmets laws unless we first reduce the number of vehicles on the roads in New Zealand.
I fully support the idea of compulsory bicycle lanes on all New Zealand roads.
I dont cycle a lot these days with my preferred transport being Waka Ama, and when I can paddle from home to the office and home again, I will truly be free of tranpsort issues.
In closing the sooner we can reduce the amount of vehicles on roads in New Zealand the better off we are going to be.
Gordon Aston
Dear Alan,
Thank you for you questions. I enjoyed them. My answers are in bold below.
All the best for your work
Gordon Jackman
Would you actively pursue policies that would enable utility cycling to develop along the lines that have made it the transportation mode of choice for so many in Copenhagen?
yes Gisborne is an Idea city for such a scheme
Would you lobby to rescind the law that compels cyclists to wear helmets in order to make it discretionary on the rider (as it is wherever utility cycling is well-established ) ?
, I have alway though Motorists should be much more careful of cyclist - we need a publicity campaign to change public perception.
Would you give preference to a comprehensive network of cycle lanes over retaining the right to curbside parking?
In some areas yes - It needs to be worked out with the community how to get comprehensive cycle ways aestablished
Would you lobby to rescind the law which prohibits cyclists from using pavements (at least as an interim measure for the years it will otherwise take to establish real separation from motorized vehicles)to enable 'slow cyclists'(e.g.the elderly)to take up utility cycling?
I would assess this area by area. In some cases yes. As a disabled person I like to know that I am safe on the pavement, and I cannot move fast. I would avocate trials in various areas.
-Before you answer this question, next time you're out driving, take note of how few pedestrians are actually using our pavements and keep in mind that there are places in the world where cyclists and pedestrians co-exist harmoniously in significantly greater numbers.
'Leaving it to the market to decide' is not working as virtually none of New Zealand's bicycle importers or retailers are taking the initiative to either promote or make available the types of bicycles and technologies which would make utility cycling practicable by a much broader range of people(e.g. the elderly ) or practical (e.g. for carrying children or shopping).
To ensure that fleets of utility bicycles become established throughout New Zealand's urban areas, would you promote or support a campaign that will create awareness of utility cycling technologies among the public to help to stimulate consumer demand ? Yes , very good idea.
e.g. actively lobby for the acquisition of a fleet of utility bicycles for council staff to get around town on.
Would you lobby for the installation of bicycle racks on ALL public transport vehicles ? Yes - V good Idea
Do you cycle yourself? - And if not at this stage in your life, what would it take to get you to take up 'utility' cycling in the future ? When I can, I love it.
Would you recommend that other people (children/ the elderly) cycle?
Yes. It is the best form of transport ever invented, - cost effecrtive, cheep to run, good for the health and great for the environment.
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