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Clean Coder
Uncle Bob Consulting LLC.
Agile Consulting
Architecture and Design
20% More Bugs or 20% Less Features?
A Mess is not a Technical Debt
Archeological Dig
As the Tests get more Specific, the Code gets more Generic
Certification - Don't Waste Your Time!
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Clojure Prime Factors
Crap Code Inevitable? Rumblings from the ACCU
Dependency Injection Inversion
Developer Certification WTF?
Don't be Lazy about Sequences
Echoes from the Stone Age
Excuse me sir, What Planet is this?
Generating Pi in Clojure
Jarvis March in Clojure
Java Calling Clojure
Manual Mocking - Resisting the Invasion of Dots and Parenthesis
Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes
More Clojure from Uncle Bob JSPS
One Thing: Extract till you Drop
Orbit in Clojure
Sapient Testing: The "Professionalism" Meme
Saying No!
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Software Calculus - The Missing Abstraction
Software on the Cheap
Sufficient Design
TDD Derangement Syndrome
TDD in Clojure
The Bowling Game: An example of test-first pair programming
The CSM Integrity Deficit
The R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Principles of Agile Software Certification
The Rush
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
The Tricky Bit
Uncle Bob JSPS: Learning Clojure
We must ship now and deal with consequences
What's all this Nonsense about Katas?
Why the sea is boiling hot
Clean Coder Gear
Code and Downloads
Code Reviews
Contact Uncle Bob
Public Course Calendar
Speaking and Keynotes
Public Courses with Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob
A Mess is not a Technical Debt.
A Rational Plan to Start using SOA
Active Record vs Objects
An Open Letter to Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood
Ant, JspC, and Other Horrors
Architecture is a Second Order Effect
As the tests get more specific, the code gets more generic.
Automating the Saff Squeeze
Bauble, Bauble...
Baubles in Orbit
Blogs by Robert Martin
20% more bugs? Or 20% less features?
Archeological Dig
Dependency Injection Inversion
Developer Certification WTF?
Excuse me sir, What Planet is this?
I got tired and debugged!
Manual Mocking: Resisting the Invasion of Dots and Parentheses
Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes
Money Format WTF
Sapient Testing: The "Professionalism" meme.
Saying "NO"
Software on the Cheap
Testing GUIs Part II: JSP
The Need For Speed
The R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. principles of Agile Software Certification.
Agile PPP in C#
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
UML for Java Programmers
Business software is Messy and Ugly
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Clean Code. Whew!
Coding Standards
Crap Code Inevitable? Rumblings from ACCU.
Dependency Management: HtmlUnit
Dirty Rotten ScrumDrels
Don't be lazy about lazy sequences.
Echoes from the Stone Age
Fudge anyone?
Generated Tests and TDD
Generating PI in Clojure
Getting a SOLID start.
Going Fast
How to Guarantee That your Software Will Suck
Hudson- A Very Quick Demo
Jarvis March in Clojure
Jasper: The Saga Continues.
Jasper: Problem resolved?
Java calling Clojure
Let's Hear it for the Zealots!
Marick's Law
Master Craftsman Teams.
More Clojure from Uncle Bob JSPS
Multi-dimensional Seniority
Now 'and' for something completely different.
One Thing: Extract till you Drop.
Private vs Protected
Quality: It's alive! It's ALIVE!
Quintessence: The fifth element for the Agile Manifesto
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Schools of Thought
So... You want your code to be maintainable.
SOA, cuts the Gordian Knot --NOT.
Specs vs. Tests
Speed Kills
Tag: How did I get Started in Software Development
TDD Derangement Syndrome
TDD with Acceptance Tests and Unit Tests
Testing GUIs Part I: RoR.
The Craftsman: 52
The CSM Integrity Deficit
The Founding of the Agile Alliance
The Hidiocy of XML Languages
The Mayans are Coming!
The promis of Shalt.
The Quality of TDD
The Rush
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
The Truth about BDD
There will be code
Thinking about an Appendix
Thread Local: A Convenient Abomination.
Uncle Bob, JSPS: Learing Clojure
Using Clojure for Scripting
We must ship now and deal with consequences
Web Death by Strings
What is SOA, really?
What's all this nonsense about Katas?
Whiners that Fail
Why the sea is boiling hot
Clean Coder
Uncle Bob Consulting LLC.
Agile Consulting
Architecture and Design
20% More Bugs or 20% Less Features?
A Mess is not a Technical Debt
Archeological Dig
As the Tests get more Specific, the Code gets more Generic
Certification - Don't Waste Your Time!
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Clojure Prime Factors
Crap Code Inevitable? Rumblings from the ACCU
Dependency Injection Inversion
Developer Certification WTF?
Don't be Lazy about Sequences
Echoes from the Stone Age
Excuse me sir, What Planet is this?
Generating Pi in Clojure
Jarvis March in Clojure
Java Calling Clojure
Manual Mocking - Resisting the Invasion of Dots and Parenthesis
Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes
More Clojure from Uncle Bob JSPS
One Thing: Extract till you Drop
Orbit in Clojure
Sapient Testing: The "Professionalism" Meme
Saying No!
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Software Calculus - The Missing Abstraction
Software on the Cheap
Sufficient Design
TDD Derangement Syndrome
TDD in Clojure
The Bowling Game: An example of test-first pair programming
The CSM Integrity Deficit
The R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Principles of Agile Software Certification
The Rush
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
The Tricky Bit
Uncle Bob JSPS: Learning Clojure
We must ship now and deal with consequences
What's all this Nonsense about Katas?
Why the sea is boiling hot
Clean Coder Gear
Code and Downloads
Code Reviews
Contact Uncle Bob
Public Course Calendar
Speaking and Keynotes
Public Courses with Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob
A Mess is not a Technical Debt.
A Rational Plan to Start using SOA
Active Record vs Objects
An Open Letter to Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood
Ant, JspC, and Other Horrors
Architecture is a Second Order Effect
As the tests get more specific, the code gets more generic.
Automating the Saff Squeeze
Bauble, Bauble...
Baubles in Orbit
Blogs by Robert Martin
20% more bugs? Or 20% less features?
Archeological Dig
Dependency Injection Inversion
Developer Certification WTF?
Excuse me sir, What Planet is this?
I got tired and debugged!
Manual Mocking: Resisting the Invasion of Dots and Parentheses
Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes
Money Format WTF
Sapient Testing: The "Professionalism" meme.
Saying "NO"
Software on the Cheap
Testing GUIs Part II: JSP
The Need For Speed
The R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. principles of Agile Software Certification.
Agile PPP in C#
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
UML for Java Programmers
Business software is Messy and Ugly
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Clean Code. Whew!
Coding Standards
Crap Code Inevitable? Rumblings from ACCU.
Dependency Management: HtmlUnit
Dirty Rotten ScrumDrels
Don't be lazy about lazy sequences.
Echoes from the Stone Age
Fudge anyone?
Generated Tests and TDD
Generating PI in Clojure
Getting a SOLID start.
Going Fast
How to Guarantee That your Software Will Suck
Hudson- A Very Quick Demo
Jarvis March in Clojure
Jasper: The Saga Continues.
Jasper: Problem resolved?
Java calling Clojure
Let's Hear it for the Zealots!
Marick's Law
Master Craftsman Teams.
More Clojure from Uncle Bob JSPS
Multi-dimensional Seniority
Now 'and' for something completely different.
One Thing: Extract till you Drop.
Private vs Protected
Quality: It's alive! It's ALIVE!
Quintessence: The fifth element for the Agile Manifesto
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Schools of Thought
So... You want your code to be maintainable.
SOA, cuts the Gordian Knot --NOT.
Specs vs. Tests
Speed Kills
Tag: How did I get Started in Software Development
TDD Derangement Syndrome
TDD with Acceptance Tests and Unit Tests
Testing GUIs Part I: RoR.
The Craftsman: 52
The CSM Integrity Deficit
The Founding of the Agile Alliance
The Hidiocy of XML Languages
The Mayans are Coming!
The promis of Shalt.
The Quality of TDD
The Rush
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
The Truth about BDD
There will be code
Thinking about an Appendix
Thread Local: A Convenient Abomination.
Uncle Bob, JSPS: Learing Clojure
Using Clojure for Scripting
We must ship now and deal with consequences
Web Death by Strings
What is SOA, really?
What's all this nonsense about Katas?
Whiners that Fail
Why the sea is boiling hot
Uncle Bob Consulting LLC.
Agile Consulting
Architecture and Design
20% More Bugs or 20% Less Features?
A Mess is not a Technical Debt
Archeological Dig
As the Tests get more Specific, the Code gets more Generic
Certification - Don't Waste Your Time!
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Clojure Prime Factors
Crap Code Inevitable? Rumblings from the ACCU
Dependency Injection Inversion
Developer Certification WTF?
Don't be Lazy about Sequences
Echoes from the Stone Age
Excuse me sir, What Planet is this?
Generating Pi in Clojure
Jarvis March in Clojure
Java Calling Clojure
Manual Mocking - Resisting the Invasion of Dots and Parenthesis
Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes
More Clojure from Uncle Bob JSPS
One Thing: Extract till you Drop
Orbit in Clojure
Sapient Testing: The "Professionalism" Meme
Saying No!
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Software Calculus - The Missing Abstraction
Software on the Cheap
Sufficient Design
TDD Derangement Syndrome
TDD in Clojure
The Bowling Game: An example of test-first pair programming
The CSM Integrity Deficit
The R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Principles of Agile Software Certification
The Rush
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
The Tricky Bit
Uncle Bob JSPS: Learning Clojure
We must ship now and deal with consequences
What's all this Nonsense about Katas?
Why the sea is boiling hot
Clean Coder Gear
Code and Downloads
Code Reviews
Contact Uncle Bob
Public Course Calendar
Speaking and Keynotes
Public Courses with Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob
A Mess is not a Technical Debt.
A Rational Plan to Start using SOA
Active Record vs Objects
An Open Letter to Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood
Ant, JspC, and Other Horrors
Architecture is a Second Order Effect
As the tests get more specific, the code gets more generic.
Automating the Saff Squeeze
Bauble, Bauble...
Baubles in Orbit
Blogs by Robert Martin
20% more bugs? Or 20% less features?
Archeological Dig
Dependency Injection Inversion
Developer Certification WTF?
Excuse me sir, What Planet is this?
I got tired and debugged!
Manual Mocking: Resisting the Invasion of Dots and Parentheses
Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes
Money Format WTF
Sapient Testing: The "Professionalism" meme.
Saying "NO"
Software on the Cheap
Testing GUIs Part II: JSP
The Need For Speed
The R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. principles of Agile Software Certification.
Agile PPP in C#
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
UML for Java Programmers
Business software is Messy and Ugly
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Clean Code. Whew!
Coding Standards
Crap Code Inevitable? Rumblings from ACCU.
Dependency Management: HtmlUnit
Dirty Rotten ScrumDrels
Don't be lazy about lazy sequences.
Echoes from the Stone Age
Fudge anyone?
Generated Tests and TDD
Generating PI in Clojure
Getting a SOLID start.
Going Fast
How to Guarantee That your Software Will Suck
Hudson- A Very Quick Demo
Jarvis March in Clojure
Jasper: The Saga Continues.
Jasper: Problem resolved?
Java calling Clojure
Let's Hear it for the Zealots!
Marick's Law
Master Craftsman Teams.
More Clojure from Uncle Bob JSPS
Multi-dimensional Seniority
Now 'and' for something completely different.
One Thing: Extract till you Drop.
Private vs Protected
Quality: It's alive! It's ALIVE!
Quintessence: The fifth element for the Agile Manifesto
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Schools of Thought
So... You want your code to be maintainable.
SOA, cuts the Gordian Knot --NOT.
Specs vs. Tests
Speed Kills
Tag: How did I get Started in Software Development
TDD Derangement Syndrome
TDD with Acceptance Tests and Unit Tests
Testing GUIs Part I: RoR.
The Craftsman: 52
The CSM Integrity Deficit
The Founding of the Agile Alliance
The Hidiocy of XML Languages
The Mayans are Coming!
The promis of Shalt.
The Quality of TDD
The Rush
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
The Truth about BDD
There will be code
Thinking about an Appendix
Thread Local: A Convenient Abomination.
Uncle Bob, JSPS: Learing Clojure
Using Clojure for Scripting
We must ship now and deal with consequences
Web Death by Strings
What is SOA, really?
What's all this nonsense about Katas?
Whiners that Fail
Why the sea is boiling hot
Code and Downloads
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