Echoes from the Stone Age

Posted by Uncle Bob on 10/06/2009

The echoes from Joel Spolsky’s Duct Tape blog continue to bounce off the blogosphere and twitterverse. Tim Bray and Peter Seibel have both written responses to Joel, me, and each other.

Here are some stray thoughts…


Anyone who continues to think that TDD slows you down is living in the stone age. Sorry, that’s just the truth. TDD does not slow you down, it speeds you up.

Look, TDD is not my religion, it is one of my disciplines. It’s like dual entry bookkeeping for accountants, or sterile procedure for surgeons. Professionals adopt such disciplines because they understand the theory behind them, and have directly experienced the benefits of using them.

I have experienced the tremendous benefit that TDD has had in my work, and I have observed it in others. I have seen and experienced the way that TDD helps programmers conceive their designs. I have seen and experienced the way it documents their decisions. I have seen and experienced the decouplings imposed by the tests, and I have seen and experienced the fearlessness with which TDDers can change and clean their code.

To be fair, I don’t think TDD is always appropriate. There are situations when I break the discipline and write code before tests. I’ll write about these situations in another blog. However, these situations are few and far between. In general, for me and many others, TDD is a way to go fast, well, and sure.

The upshot of all this is simple. TDD is a professional discipline. TDD works. TDD makes you faster. TDD is not going away. And anyone who has not really tried it, and yet claims that it would slow them down, is simply being willfully ignorant. I don’t care if your name is Don Knuth, Jamie Zawinski, Peter Seibel, or Peter Pan. Give it a real try, and then you have the right to comment.

Let me put this another way. And now I’m talking directly to those who make the claim that TDD would slow them down. Are you really such a good programmer that you don’t need to thoroughly check your work? Can you conceive of a better way to check your work than to express your intent in terms of an executable test? And can you think of a better way to ensure that you can write that test other than to write it first?

If you can, then I want to hear all about it. but I don’t want to hear that you write a few unit tests after the fact. I don’t want to hear that you manually check your code. I don’t want to hear that you do design and therefore don’t need to write tests. Those are all stone-age concepts. I know. I’ve been there.

So there. <grin>

The Design Pattern Religion

Tim Bray said:

My experience suggests that there are few surer ways to doom a big software project than via the Design Patterns religion.

He’s right of course. The Design Patterns religion is a foul bird that ravages teams and cuts down young projects in their prime. But let’s be clear about what that religion is. The Design Patterns religion is the ardent belief that the use of design patterns is good.

Here’s a clue. Design Patterns aren’t good. They also aren’t bad. They just are. Given a particular software design situation, there may be a pattern that fits and is beneficial. There may also be patterns that would be detrimental. It’s quite possible that none of the currently documented patterns are appropriate and that you should close the book and just solve the problem.

Here’s another clue. You don’t use patterns. You don’t apply patterns. Patterns just are. If a particular pattern is appropriate to solve a given problem, then it will be obvious. Indeed it is often so obvious that you don’t realize that the pattern is in place until you are done. You look back at your code and realize: “Oh, that’s a Decorator!”.

So am I saying that Design Patterns are useless?

NO! I want you to read the patterns books. I want you to know those patterns inside and out. If I point at you and say “Visitor” I want you at the board drawing all the different variants of the pattern without hesitation. I want you to get all the names and roles right. I want you to know patterns.

But I don’t want you to use patterns. I don’t want you to believe in patterns. I don’t want you to make patterns into a religion. Rather I want you to be able to recognize them when they appear, and to regularize them in your code so that others can recognize them too.

Design Patterns have a huge benefit. They have names. If you are reading code, and you see the word “Composite”, and if the author took care to regularize the code to the accepted names and roles of the “Composite” pattern, then you will know what that part of the code is doing instantly. And that is powerful!

Minimizing Concurrency.

In my first Duct Tape blog I made the statement:

I found myself annoyed at Joel’s notion that most programmers aren’t smart enough to use templates, design patterns, multi-threading, COM, etc. I don’t think that’s the case. I think that any programmer that’s not smart enough to use tools like that is probably not smart enough to be a programmer period.

Tim responds with:

...multi-threading is part of the problem, not part of the solution; that essentially no application programmer understands threads well enough to avoid deadlocks and races and horrible non-repeatable bugs. And that COM was one of the most colossal piles of crap my profession ever foisted on itself.

Is concurrency really part of the problem? Yes! Concurrency is a really big part of the problem. Indeed, the first rule of concurrency is: DON’T. The second rule is: REALLY, DON’T.

The problem is that some times you have no choice. And in those situations, where you absolutely must use concurrency, you should know it inside and out!

I completely and utterly reject the notion that ignorance is the best defense. I reject that lack of skill can ever be an advantage. So I want you to know concurrency. I want to shout “Dining Philosophers” and have you run to the board without hesitation and show me all the different solutions. If I holler “Deadlock”, I want you to quickly identify the causes and solutions.

Here’s a clue. If you want to avoid using something, know that something cold.


At the end of his blog, Peter jumps on the pile of bodies already crushing Ron Jeffries regarding the Sudoku problem from July of 2006.

I find the pile-up disturbing. Ron had the courage to fail in public. Indeed he announced up front that he might “crash and burn”. And yet he got lambasted for it by people who hid behind someone else’s work. The responses to Ron’s tutorial blogs were completely unfair because the authors of those blogs had everything worked out for them by Dr. Peter Norvig before they published their screeds. They were comparing apples to oranges because their responses were about the solution whereas Ron’s blogs were about the process.

Which one of us has not gone down a rat-hole when hunting for a solution to a complex problem? Let that person write the first blog. Everyone else ought to be a bit more humble.

Do the people on the pile think that Ron is unable to solve the Sudoku problem? (Some have said as much.) Then they don’t know Ron very well. Ron could code them all under the table with one hand tied behind his back.

Personal issues aside, I find the discussion fascinating in it’s own right. Ron had attempted to solve the Sudoku problem by gaining insight into that problem through the process of coding intermediate solutions. This is a common enough TDD approach. Indeed, the Bowling Game and the Prime Factors Kata are both examples where this approach can work reasonably well.

This approach follows the advice of no less than Grady Booch who (quoting Heinlein) said: “when faced with a problem you do not understand, do any part of it you do understand, then look at it again.

Ron was attempting to use TDD to probe into the problem to see if he could gain any insight. This technique often bears fruit. Sometimes it does not.

Here is a classic example. Imagine you were going to write a sort algorithm test first:

The end result is a bubble sort. The algorithm virtually self assembles. If you had never heard of a bubble sort before, this simple set of tests would have driven you to implement it naturally.

Problems like Bowling, Prime Factors, and Bubble Sort hold out the interesting promise that TDD may be a way to derive algorithmms from first principles!

On the other hand, what set of tests would drive you to implement a QuickSort? There are none that I know of. QuickSort and Sudoku may require a serious amount of introspection and concentrated thought before the solution is apparent. They may belong to a class of algorithms that do not self-assemble like Bowling, Prime Factors, and Bubble Sort.

This blog by Kurt Christensen provides all the links to the various Sudoku articles, and sums it up this way.

TDD may not be the best tool for inventing new algorithms, it may very well be the best tool for applying those algorithms to the problem at hand.

Actually I think TDD is a good way to find out if an algorithm will self-assemble or not. It usually doesn’t take a lot of time to figure out which it’s going to be.


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