The Scatology of Agile Architecture

Posted by Uncle Bob on 04/25/2009

One of the more insidious and persistent myths of agile development is that up-front architecture and design are bad; that you should never spend time up front making architectural decisions. That instead you should evolve your architecture and design from nothing, one test-case at a time.

Pardon me, but that’s Horse Shit.

This myth is not part of agile at all. Rather it is an hyper-zealous response to the real Agile proscription of Big Design Up Front (BDUF). There should be no doubt that BDUF is harmful. It makes no sense at all for designers and architects to spend month after month spinning system designs based on a daisy-chain of untested hypotheses. To paraphrase John Gall: Complex systems designed from scratch never work.

However, there are architectural issues that need to be resolved up front. There are design decisions that must be made early. It is possible to code yourself into a very nasty cul-de-sac that you might avoid with a little forethought.

Notice the emphasis on size here. Size matters! ‘B’ is bad, but ‘L’ is good. Indeed, LDUF is absolutely essential.

How big are these B’s and L’s? It depends on the size of the project of course. For most projects of moderate size I think a few days ought to be sufficient to think through the most important architectural issues and start testing them with iterations. On the other hand, for very large projects, I seen nothing wrong with spending anywhere from a week to even a month, thinking through architectural issues.

In some circles this early spate of architectural thought is called Iteration 0. The goal is to make sure you’ve got your ducks in a row before you go off half-cocked and code yourself into a nightmare.

When I work on FitNesse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I should implement a new feature. For most features I spend an hour or two considering alternative implementations. For larger features I’ve spent one or two days batting notions back and forth. There have been times when I’ve even drawn UML diagrams.

On the other hand, I don’t allow those early design plans to dominate once I start TDDing. Often enough the TDD process leads me in a direction different from those plans. That’s OK, I’m glad I made those earlier plans. Even if I don’t follow them they helped me to understand and constrain the problem. They gave me the context to evaluate the new solution that TDD helped me to discover. To paraphrase Eisenhower: Individual plans may not turn out to be helpful, but the act of planning is always indispensable.

So here’s the bottom line. If you are working in an Agile team, don’t feel guilty about taking a day or two to think some issues through. Indeed, feel guilty if you don’t take a little time to think things through. Don’t feel that TDD is the only way to design. On the other hand, don’t let yourself get too vested in your designs. Allow TDD to change your plans if it leads you in a different direction