The Tricky Bit

The Tricky Bit

Posted by Uncle Bob on Friday, April 23, 2010

I once heard a story about the early days of the Concorde. A british MP was on board for a demonstration flight. As the jet went supersonic he disappointedly commented to one of the designers that it didn’t feel any different at all. The designer beamed and said: “Yes, that was the tricky bit.”

I wonder if the MP would have been happier if the plane had begun to vibrate and shake and make terrifying noises.

While at #openvolcano10, Gojko Adzic and Steve Freeman told the story of a company in which one team, among many, had gone agile. Over time that team managed to get into a nice rhythm, passing it’s continuous builds, adding lots of business value, working normal hours, and keeping their customers happy. Meanwhile other teams at this company were facing delays, defects, frustrated customers, and lots of overtime.

The managers at this company looked at the agile team, working like a well-oiled machine, and looked at all the other teams toiling in vain at the bilge pump, and came to the conclusion that the project that the agile team was working on was too simple to keep them busy. That the other teams’ projects were far more difficult. It didn’t even occur to them that the agile team had figured out the tricky bit.
