Schools of Thought

Posted by Uncle Bob on 10/03/2007

In some sense we software developers are all too tolerant. We know there is no single “right” way to write software, and so we tolerate many different opinions and styles. In the industry at large, this is a good thing. But inside a project it’s chaos.

A project with 10 different developers cannot withstand 10 different styles of coding, 10 different architectural visions, 10 different philosophies of OO design, or 10 different software development methods. To prevent the chaos of anarchy, one style, one vision, one philosophy and one method must be adopted.

The problem is, we know that no one style, vision, philosophy, or method is “right”. This knowledge makes us timid. We tolerate other people’s styles and attitudes rather than insisting on a single style and vision for the project. We feel that we have no right to insist on one particular way of doing things, and so we adopt a politically correct viewpoint regarding software.

Politically correct projects are muddles. They find it difficult to get traction because the team members are all pulling in different directions. This muddling continues until someone puts a stake in the ground and says “We’re doing it this way”, and makes it stick by sheer force of will. Then the team moves on and makes progress.

Was his way right? The question is irrelevant. The stake in the ground provided focus. It eliminated the chaos of too much “rightness”, of too much political correctness.

There are many different schools of martial arts. Karate, Tai Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, etc. Which is right? Of course the question is absurd. Right and wrong are not adjectives that apply to individual martial arts. And yet, each martial art attracts dedicated adherents. The intensity of their devotion to their art is almost religious.

Students of Karate have no rational reason to prefer it to Tai Kwon Do. Indeed, the initial decision to study one vs the other was almost certainly arbitrary. Perhaps there was a Karate studio near their home. Perhaps a friend invited them to a session. Perhaps they saw something on TV, or in the paper. In most cases the initial decision was trivial.

But that’s where the triviality ends. From then on the new student gets immersed into a set of styles, disciplines, philosophies, and methods to the exclusion of all others. There is no political correctness at this level. Teachers tolerate no dissent from their teachings. It’s the Sen Sei’s way, or the highway. Within a dojo, there is a right and a wrong.

At a larger level, everyone knows that no one martial art is clearly better than all the others. There is no “right” school of martial art. And yet, students invest huge efforts into becoming masters of one particular arbitrary discipline.

Why would a student focus on one particular school of martial art to the exclusion of all others for years of his or her life? Simple. To become a master. You can’t become a master of all martial arts at the same time. You have to separate and focus. You have to dedicate yourself to one and learn it inside and out. You have to be politically incorrect. That’s how you gain mastery.

Once a degree of mastery is attained, it becomes beneficial to study other martial arts. A karate black belt will find it beneficial to study Jiu Jitsu, or Akido. The Judo black belt will gain insights into his own art by studying Karate. So, at the level of the master, political correctness and tolerance is re-established.

There are many diverse attitudes about software. For example there are many different kinds of agile methods. Indeed, there are methods that aren’t agile at all. There’s the American vs the European style of OO. There’s functional vs OO vs procedural programming. There are those who practice hungarian notation. There are those who practice test driven development. There are those who believe in C and C++ and those who believe in Ruby. None of these attitudes and preferences are right. None of them are wrong. But without some kind of organizing principle, like a dojo, or a Sen Sei, they are chaos.

There has been a lot of talk about certification lately. Companies need to know if the people they hire are good developers or not. The problem is, there is no standard of certification. There is no right or wrong, and so there’s little to certify. We can certify that someone took a particular course, or that they have certain knowledge of C++ or Java. We can measure someone’s ability to read a book, or write a dumb example program. What we cannot do is certify whether someone is a good developer or not, because we don’t have a definition of “good”.

The different schools of martial arts have solved this problem of certification quite effectively. No school will certify that their student is a master martial artist. But they will certify that they are a master of one particular discipline. You cannot be a general black-belt, but you can be a black-belt in one particular school of Karate.

The award of rank is not based on a casual test, or the taking of a two day course. It is based on months of exposure and participation in practice sessions. It is based on the teacher’s intimate knowledge of the student’s skill. What’s more the teacher’s right to convey rank is based on his teacher’s authority. Thus, there is a chain of trust from teacher to teacher.

I don’t know if a martial-arts ranking system could ever be established in software. The problems seem significant. For example, how would teachers gain the kind of prolonged access they’d need to bestow ranks on students?

However, I do think it’s possible for experienced practitioners to put a stake in the ground and establish a school of software discipline. In effect the practitioner says: “I’ve done it my way, and it worked for me. I’ll teach you my way, perhaps it will work for you.”

Such a school would be precise and exclusive. Students would adopt a certain coding style, a certain philosophy of design, a certain architectural vision, and a certain set of methods and practices. They would adhere to those certain teachings to the exclusion of all others until they mastered them.


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