Clojure Prime Factors
Clojure Prime Factors
Posted by Uncle Bob on Saturday, May 15, 2010
Can anyone create a simpler version of prime factors in Clojure?
(ns primeFactors) (defn of ([n] (of [] n 2)) ([factors n candidate] (cond (= n 1) factors (= 0 (rem n candidate)) (recur (conj factors candidate) (quot n candidate) candidate) (> candidate (Math/sqrt n)) (conj factors n) :else (recur factors n (inc candidate)) ) ) )
Posted in Uncle Bob's Blatherings
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walkerku about 1 hour later:
Simpler (to me), but also slower.
(defn factors [n] (map #(/ n %) (filter #(zero? (rem n %)) (range 1 (+ n 1)))))
(defn prime? [n] (or (= n 2) (= 2 (count (take 3 (factors n))))))
(defn prime-factors [n] (filter prime? (factors n)))
Colin Jones about 2 hours later:
Depends on what you find simple, right? :) Removing the Math/sqrt optimization might be simpler, but isn’t as efficient. In any case,here’s my take, which is basically the same, but has a few differences that I see as simplifications:
1. Uses the loop construct rather than arity overloading, so clients of the function only have one set of arguments to choose.
2. Uses / instead of quot if the candidate is a divisor.
3. Extracts divisible-by? predicate.
4. Squares the arguments instead of calling directly into Java with Math/sqrt. There’s no risk of overflow because of the way Clojure handles numbers, and this will work with the .NET implementation.
Steven Devijver 1 day later:
One liner:
(reduce (fn [primes number] (if (nil? (some (partial = 0) (map (partial mod number) primes))) (conj primes number) primes)) [2] (take 1000 (iterate inc 3)))
Julian Birch 2 days later:
At the risk of writing C# in Clojure:
(defn factors [n] {:pre [(pos? n) (integer? n)]} (loop [n n, s 2, a '()] (if-let [f (->> ; find smallest factor (range s n) (take-while #(<= % (Math/sqrt n))) (filter #(zero? (rem n %))) first)] (recur (/ n f) f (conj a f)) ; factor found (conj a n)))) ; n is prime
It reduces the branching and is a bit more declarative.