As the tests get more specific, the code gets more generic.

Posted by Uncle Bob on 08/06/2009

I tweeted this not too long ago. The basic idea is that as you add tests, the tests get more and more specific. This makes sense since tests are, after all, specifications. The more specifications you have, the more specific the whole body of specifications becomes.

As a general rule, good design dictates that the more specific your requirements become, the more general your code needs to be. This is saying roughly the same thing as Greenspun’s Tenth Rule of Programming: “Any sufficiently complicated [...] program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.” Or rather, as more and more constraints pile upon a program, the designers look for ways to push those constraints out of the program itself and into the data.

In return for my tweet people asked for examples.

One of the better examples (though perhaps a bit trivial) is the Prime Factors Kata. This lovely little experiment grows and grows as you add test cases, and then suddenly collapses into an elegant three line algorithm.

The tests continue to become ever more specific. The production code starts out just as specific as the tests. But with the second or third test the programmer must make a decision. He can write the production code to mirror the tests (i.e. writing it as an if/else statement that detects which test is running and supplying the expected answer) or he can come up with some kind of more general algorithm that satisfies the tests without looking anything like them.

The algorithm grows and warps and twists; and then, just when it looks like it’s destined to become a wretched mess; it simply evaporates into a lovely little three line nested loop.

We see the principle at work in other ways as well. Often the programmers have a whole list of tests that they know must pass. As they write them one by one, they write the production code that satisfies them. Then, as in the Bowling Game Kata the tests start to pass unexpectedly. You were done with the code, and you weren’t aware of it. You continue writing tests, expecting one to fail, but they all pass. The test code grows, but the production code remains the same.

Sometimes this happens in a less surprising way. Sometimes you know that you have implemented an algorithm that will pass all remaining tests, but you write those tests anyway because they are part of the specification

The point is that test code and production code do not grow at the same rate. Indeed, as the application increases in complexity, the test code grows at a rate that is faster than the production code. Sometimes the production code actually shrinks as the test code grows because the programmers moved a load of functionality out of the code and into the data.

Consider FitNesse. A year ago there were 45,000 lines of code, of which 15,000 were tests, so 33% of the total were tests.

Now Fitnesse is 58,000 lines of code of which 26,000 are tests. We added 13,000 lines of code overall, but 8,000 (61%), are tests! The tests have grown to over 44% of the total.


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