Welsh Dragon
Post date: Oct 18, 2009 9:42:49 AM
Cardiff Yacht Club was the venue for the University organised Welsh Dragon.
Saturday's racing was good despite a delay of over an hour and a half while the wind decided to do a 180degree shift.
Sunday dawned with strong winds and a bad forecast, and a difficult decision had to be made about how to proceed with the event.
Luckily the win loss ratio's showed 8 clear leaders, so it was decided that they would do 3 race quarter and semi finals whilst the rest of the entrants had a "King of the Hill" knock out competition. The loss of a boat from gear failure meant that this had to be 2on2 racing, which made things interesting,particularly the final which was very hard fought and was won by Plymouth 2.
Meanwhile, the main competition culminated in a best of 5 race final which saw Portsmouth beat the Royal Thames team to win the Welsh Dragon with Southampton finishing in third place.