Troop 68 - Union, NJ

 Welcome to the home of the Boy Scouts Troop 68, Union NJ

Connecticut Farms  Presbyterian Church

Celebrating 95 years in Scouting...

The Deacons of the First Presbyterian Church of Connecticut Farms in Union, New Jersey started Boy Scout Troop 68 in 1926.  Since then, hundreds of boys have been in its program and 112 Scouts have earned the rank of Eagle.

Eagle Scout Updates:

Congratulation to our new Eagle Scouts

David Ramos
earned his Eagle rank 3/6/2024!

Michael Costeira
earned his Eagle rank 9/27/2023 !

N. Moorman
finished his Eagle project.

 D. Yapczenski
is starting his Eagle project.

Honorable mentions of our most recent Eagle Scouts:

Eagle Scout: Joseph Paolello

Eagle Scout: Michael Teixeria

Eagle Scout: Jabari St. Louis

Eagle Scout: Matthew Rodriguez

 Scout of the Month

February 2024

C. Nagamos

List of previous recipients


The 2023-2024 season forms are up in the File Cabinet.  

For the 2023-2024 season, new medical forms must be submitted.

We encourage all parents to take the Youth Protection Training course. It is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse.

There are 2 ways get trained:

 After you've been trained, let Mr. O'Flaherty know your new expiration date.

The troop is always looking for parent volunteers. If you have some time or a talent or skill that can help please let the committee know. There are some positions that still need to be filled.