

A message from the Popcorn Kernel,


         Troop 68 is a great place for our young boys to grow into young men.  The program offered by Troop 68 will give your son an education not offered anywhere else.  Our sons learn many of the skills required in basic life, such as home electricity, plumbing and cooking.  They also learn survival skills and enough first aid to some day possibly save someone’s life.  These are just a few of the goals of Troop 68.  The education our Troop offers is equal in importance to the education given in our school system.


         In order to implement and achieve these goals our Troop needs the funds to support it.  We all know that fund-raising is the only way we can raise money.  September is a fund-raising month.  Not only must we fund-raise but our schools and other civic groups do the same.


         Our goal is to fund-raise as little as possible yet bring in enough funds to support our Troop.  This is where the BSA Popcorn sale comes in.  Not only can we help support our Troop, we also support our council.  The popcorn system is a great way to raise funds and give our scouts a bit of business sense. 


       Scouts are also required to sell in our take order program.  Each scout will receive an order form and is required to sell a minimum of $75.  Please do not stop there, the more we raise here, the less we have to rise later.


         If we all put forth a great effort Troop 68 will become even greater thanks to you.


Thanks in advance for your support,

Mrs. Garry Popcorn Kernel


Are you planning to purchase firewood this season?  Troop 68 is selling firewood.We have firewood available by the cord or half cord.  The cost per cord is $210.00 and a half of cord is $110.00 plus delivery charge.  The firewood is split and seasoned, Ash cherry, with a small percentage of other mixed hardwoods.

For more information please call Mr. Drew Baumann at 908-377-0858 or e-mail him at

To place your order please e-mail us at the above addressee.