Merit Badge

How to work on a Merit Badge

If you want to work on a Merit Badge individually, your first step must be to ask the Troop 68 Advancement Chair for a Blue card.  The Advancement Chair will discuss with you the Merit Badge’s requirements, your interest in it and how it fits into your advancement plan.  If it is appropriate for you to work on the badge at this time, the Advancement Chair will give you a blue card that the Scoutmaster will provide you the signed and dated blue card you need to start out on the right foot.

The Advancement Chair will keep the Applicant’s Record part of the blue card will not be returned to you.  It is the most official record of your having earned the Merit Badge and you will need it to confirm the accuracy of your advancement records, a critical step for your eventual Eagle rank application.

If Council or The Troop plans to run a Merit Badge workshop during the Scouting Year, they will announce it at the Troop meetings so pay attention to announcements, both at the meetings and online on the Troop Website. Take advantage of Merit Badges courses and sign ups offered at troop meetings.  It is a great way to move forward on your Road to Eagle!

Link to Merit Badge Workbook: Citizenship in the Community