Earning Your First Merit Badge

Look over the requirements in the current Boy Scout Requirements book to see if a merit badge interests you. It’s perfectly fine to work on a merit badge with another Scout. For many merit badges, it’s a lot more fun and easier to do. You do not have to know all of the answers. The idea of a merit badge is to show a counselor what you know, and to allow the counselor to help you with what you may not know.

Obtain a Blue Merit Badge Card from the Advancement Chairperson before any troop meeting. This card will give you the name, address and telephone number of an approved merit badge counselor. Obtain a copy of the merit badge book from the Troop Librarian before or after the troop meeting for the merit badge you want to earn. In the event the troop does not have a pamphlet, you will first have to obtain one.

When you think you are ready to begin, give the counselor a call. Tell him/her who you are and what you would like to work on.

When you go to the counselor:

1. Be on time.

2. Be dressed in full uniform.

3. Have the Merit Badge pamphlet with you.

4. Bring any written work or exhibits with you that are required.

5. If you do not know an answer to a requirement, be honest and tell the counselor. The counselor is there to help you learn.

If required, the counselor may ask you to return to finish the merit badge. Don’t give up if you don’t pass on the first visit.

Upon completion of the merit badge requirements, the counselor will sign the blue card in two places. The signed portions will be returned to you (return these to the Advancement Chairperson). The counselor will keep the last part of the blue card for his/her records.

You will receive your merit badge about two weeks after returning the signed blue merit badge card to the Advancement Chairperson. The Advancement Chairperson will hold the Scout part of the blue card for you.

Our council, Patriots Path Council runs a Merit Badge Workshop in the fall every year. This is a good place for a scout to do his first merit badges. Look for this flyer, ask the scoutmaster about this event.

Majority of our scout’s complete merit badges during summer camp. If your scout is planning on achieving the rank of Eagle it is suggested that he attend summer camp.