Trees with Neem-Like leaves with a terminal leaflet
"Pinnate" derives from the Latin word pinna, meaning "feather". One common term of these leaves is "feather compound". Total number of trees in this group is quite large. So, to keep group smaller, we can further subdivide this group into
a) With a terminal leaf (botanists call them imparipinnate), listed this page
b) Without terminal leaf (paripinnate) listed in a separate page.
One easy way to remember these two terms is "pari" is from pair. Paripinnate leaf always has leaflets in pair, that is, even number of leaflets. The opposite, imparipinnate leaf will have odd number of leaflets (since it has a terminal leaflet).
Note that Neem leaflets are incidentally toothed. Most leaflets of the trees in this group are not toothed.
A Feather Compound Leaf with a terminal leaflet(Imparipinnate)
Spathodea campanulata
African Tulip
A tall slender evergreen tree with feather compound (pinnate) leaves, both leaves and leaflets are oppositely arranged. Flowers which are on the tree from late winter till April (and often even in Sep-Oct) are large bell-shaped and orange to scarlet. More...
Gliricidia sepium
Gliricidia /QuickStick Tree
A fast growing small to mid-sized deciduous tree from tropical America with light canopy, feather compound leaves having 9-19 oppositely arranged small elliptical leaflets including a terminal larger one. More...
Pongamia pinnata
A medium sized almost evergreen tree with a short crooked greyish brown bole which is usually smooth (but sometimes knobby) and spreading crown of bright green glossy feather-compound leaves. More...
Dalbergia sisso
Sisham/ Indian Rosewood
A large deciduous native tree with slender drooping branches, feather compound leaves having 3-5 alternatively arranged small roundish leaflets on a zig-zag rachis with a pointed tip including a terminal one. More...
Milletia peguensis
Moulmein Rosewood
A medium sized tree with irregular but dense crown, quite striking in March-April for its purplish-mauve flowers in drooping clusters. More...
Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp. lanceolaria
Takoli / Chakemdia
A deciduous native tree with slender drooping branches, feather compound leaves having 7-19 alternatively arranged small egg-shaped leaflets including a terminal one. More...
Castanospermum australe
Moreton bay chestnut / Blackbean Tree
A mid-sized evergreen tree from Australian rainforests (where it is much taller), very rare in Kolkata, with dark green slightly stiff shiny feather compound leaves (4-8 pair with a terminal) More...
Stereospermum chelonoides
Fragrant Padri tree / Parul
Medium to large deciduous tree, grey bark which is without any branches up to a considerable height, leaves feather compound with 3-4 pairs and a terminal one, flowers in Mar, up to 1’’ they are purplish, bourn in clusters More...
Kigelia africana
Sausage Tree
A large spreading tree with a short thick trunk & feather compound leaves with three or four pairs of leaflets and a terminal leaflet at the tip
Murraya paniculata
An evergreen shrub or small tree with dark green feather-compound leaves and short clusters of scented white flowers
Pterocarpus indicus
A tall, handsome, evergreen tree with a rounded canopy and drooping branches. Its leaves are feather compound, with 5 -9 small, alternately arranged dark green leaflets with a terminal one. The tree produces fragrant, golden-yellow pea-like flowers in clusters, followed by flat, winged pods