Spanish Mahogany

Swietenia mahogany

Local name: Mehogoni

A tall and spreading evergreen tree from tropical Americas, has feather compound (paripinnate) leaves that are dark green when mature, with small leafless, bark is rough that flakes off in small patches.

Bark: rough, flakes off in small patches

Leaf: Feather compound, without terminal leaflet 4-10. Leaflets shiny with pointed tip, up to 2’’ (much smaller than Honduras mahogany).

Flower: Inconspicuous, greenish yellow borne in small open clusters among the leaves

Fruit: hard, almost spherical, woody capsule containing many seeds

Season: New leaves appear in March and April. The inconspicuous flowers appear soon after the new leaves in April and May.

Range/habitat: The mahogany is a native of Jamaica and Central America, introduced into India at the end of the 18th century.

Trivia and notes: Among the best timbers in the world. Apparently, the ones grown in India do not attain great wood quality.

Where to find: There are quite a few trees in Rabindra sarobar, one in the north east side of the pool, right beside the tar road (opposite to the entrance of the public pool), 22.51119N, 88.36380E