Trees with Semul-like leaves
This leaf type is know as digitately compound. Digit means finger. As these leaves look like fingers spreading out from palm. Compared to other leaf types, the number of trees of this leaf type is relatively less.
Sterculia foetida
Wild Almond Tree
A tall tree with straight branchless trunk up to a distance with overall structure and leaf shape somewhat like silk cotton tree.
Bombax ceiba
Silk Cotton Tree
A well-known tall upright flowering tree, branches in whorls, smooth silvery grey bark, leaves digitately compound (fanning out like fingers from the central stalk). Flowers large bell-shaped, thick petalled, scarlet, produced profusely in leafless tree in early spring.
Tabebuia rosea
Rosy Trumpet Tree
A large tree capable of reaching 30 meter in its native habitat with semul-like leaf (digitately/palmately compound) that becomes conspicuous in spring with beautiful pink trumpet shaped blossoms.