
Here's a collection of useful transputer sites for material and helpful advise.

Julian Highfield's original T414 emulator source code which was the starting point of my PC transputer emulator. Julian's source code can be found here Ram's website as a t4.tar.gz file. It is also available from

Mike has a great website containing lots of transputer documentation - Mike has also developed a program called IANSI which can be used with jserver when running the Inmos isim.btl or idebug.btl to handle the ANSI extended graphics escape codes and thus correctly handle the screen display. It's on his utilities page.

Axel's site include a useful guide to installing the Helios Operating System -

Andras Pahia has a working version of Julian Highfield's original code supporting both T4 and T8 emulation. See

Matt Gumbley is working on a transputer emulator. Refer to Matt's transputer link on his Parachute Project Site for more details.

Regarding VHDL transputer implementations, there is: Uwe Mielke’s T42 Transputer in FPGA project; and Claus Meder has been working on T425 implementation (both C emulator and VHDL implementation). Refer to comp.sys.transputer for further details.

The KRoC (Kent Retargetable occam Compiler) team with their Occam-pi compiler and virtual machine for executing the transputer instruction set -  or

Ram's site (I don't think he no longer maintains it?) contains everything transputer (first place to go for software) -

University of Kent Parallel Computing archive has lots of useful stuff -

Kirk Bailey has some useful gems -

John R. Hauser's SoftFloat IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic package -

More details on LCM is available at

More details on GLib is available at

Useful details about testing Transputers (include FTEST details) at

David May (the architect of the Inmos Transputer, its instruction set and the Occam language) has made some of the early Transputer documentation available on his website. This includes the transputer prototype called Simple 42. This documentation provides a considerable amount of detailed information regarding its low level design. dave's website 

The following are a few silicon vendors supplying parallel products which I think are worth a look.

XMOS have developed their XCore processor, incorporating Software Defined Silicon (SDS). XMOS sell a XC-1 development kit for $100. It's a cheap way to have a play with this new technology. The XS1 is a modern take on the transputer with parallel support and programmable software flexibility -

Tilera have some serious parallel devices, boasting 16 to 100 64-bit processor meshes on a single device -

GreenArrays, Inc. produce a family of low power multi-computer chips, boasting 144 independent computers on a single device -

Parallax Semiconductor makes a multicore microcontroller called the Propeller -