3L afserver

In October 2013 I was asked if I could get the 3L C compiler, linker and afserver tools to run with the transputer emulator. Now available on this webpage is a combined 3L afserver / transputer emulator, called jafserver.

Note: This is BETA SOFTWARE and not fully tested.

If you want to have a play with the jafserver and the 3L C V2.2.2 tools (or later version) you don’t actually need much set up in advance. Below is a brief overview of the software you will need to setup on your PC:

1. Install 3L C V2.2.2 software tools (or later version).

The C V2.2.2 is available here: http://www.classiccmp.org/transputer/software/languages/ansic/3L/ . Download the file 01508.zip and install it. Make sure to use directory C:\TC2V2

Delete all the original .exe files.

2. Install the jafserver tools

This is done simply by downloading “3L C jafserver tools.zip” from my website (see attachments below). Once downloaded, put contents into the C:\TC2V2 directory (and make sure it is added to the PATH variable).

3. Running

Hopefully the tools should work and allow the simple hello.c example (see attachments below) to be compiled, linked and run. Have fun. Please email me (see my home page) if you find any problems. An example screen snapshot of the jafserver banner is shown below.