Inmos C Toolset

Inmos C toolset Installation

Install the Inmos C toolset (d7214) as per Inmos installation guide. There are installation and user guides for the Inmos Occam and C toolset at Mike's website (refer to

Using Inmos C toolset with the Transputer emulator

In order to use the Inmos C toolset tools, these procedures assume that the Inmos Occam toolset (d7205) is already installed AND setup to use the jserver emulator (see Installation Instructions tab).

After installing the Inmos C toolset (d7214) the modified executables need to be installed to use jserver.

In the directory c:\ictools\itools\, delete the original Inmos .exe files: icollect.exe, isim.exe, ilink.exe, ilist.exe, imakef.exe, ilibr.exe, icc.exe and icconf.exe. There are other .exe files but I've currently only got the basic subset converted to allow compiling, linking etc. to make a bootable .btl file.

Copy the following .exe files (see 'C Toolset Files' attachment) into the c:\ictools\itools\ directory: icollect.exe, ilink.exe, ilist.exe, isim.exe, imakef.exe, icc.exe, ilibr.exe and icconf.exe.

The following environment variables are required for both C and Occam toolset use with the emulator.

Set PATH to include c:\ictools\itools;c:\d7205\itools;c:\d7205\iserver

Set ISEARCH=c:\ictools\LIBS\;c:\d7205\LIBS\

Set IBOARDSIZE=#200000

Set FILES=20


I have created a couple of simple batch files (see 'GoTools' attachment ) which can be run to select either the Inmos Occam or C toolset preference (i.e. path and tool search order).

Links to downloadable files:

C Toolset