Installation Instructions

Simple Test

The jserver.exe (see 'Emulator Files' attachment) is used to execute a transputer .btl file compiled for a single T414/T400/T425/T800 transputer using link 0 (with standard iserver protocol channels fs and ts).

To execute the example, open a command console and type jserver /sb hello.btl (return) and the hello message should be displayed. Note: For the example hello.btl (see 'Emulator Files' attachments).

Inmos Occam toolset already installed

These notes describe the setup for using the emulator with the Inmos Occam toolset (d7205). It should be noted that some files ARE DESTROYED during this setup. It is strongly recomended that a backup copy is made (i.e. files in c:\d7205) before continuing with this installation. The C toolset will be covered at a later date.

Copy the file jserver.exe (see 'Emulator Files' attachment) into the directory c:\d7205\iserver\

Copy the following six .dll files (see 'Emulator Files' attachment) into the c:\d7205\iserver\ directory: iconv.dll, intl.dll, lcm.dll, libglib-2.0-0.dll, libgthread-2.0-0.dll and msvcr100.dll.

In the directory c:\d7205\itools\, delete the original Inmos .exe files: icollect.exe, isim.exe, ilink.exe, ilist.exe, imakef.exe, oc.exe, ilibr.exe and occonf.exe. There are other .exe files but I've currently only got the basic subset converted to allow compiling, linking etc. to make a bootable .btl file.

Copy the following .exe files (see 'Emulator Files' attachment) into the c:\d7205\itools\ directory: icollect.exe, ilink.exe, ilist.exe, isim.exe, imakef.exe, oc.exe, ilibr.exe and occonf.exe.

Finally a make utility is required. A copy of the Borland omake.exe tool needs to be on the search path or in the directory c:\d7205\iserver\

The Borland omake tool does not run under Windows 7 (64 bit), hence alternative make tools such as OpenWatcom wmake or Microsoft nmake can be used for Windows 7 (64 bit).

The installation is now complete. Type jserver (return) and the jserver should run and display the standard banner. Type oc (return) and the Occam compiler should run...amazing - not a single transputer in sight!

To execute the example, open a command console and type jserver /sb hello.btl (return) and the hello message should be displayed.

The hello.occ can be recompiled by executing the mk.bat file, then build.bat and finally the run.bat file (see 'Emulator Files' attachment).

Notes: The above .exe files ONLY work if the Inmos Occam toolset is installed in c:\d7205\ (i.e. with server in c:\d7205\iserver\ and itools in c:\d7205\itools\ ). See Occam itools collection on Source Code page to customise the batch files.

Inmos Occam toolset not installed

Install the Inmos Occam toolset D7205a and then follow the instructions above.

REMEMBER to add the following (as covered in the installation procedure):

Set PATH to include c:\d7205\itools;c:\d7205\iserver

Set ISEARCH=c:\d7205\LIBS\

Set IBOARDSIZE=#200000

Set FILES=20


The last set (ITERM) is used by isim. To run isim type isim hello.btl | iansi (return) (To obtain the IANSI tool refer on the Links page)

JServer.exe - Where is it?

The executable is found at the bottom of this page in the 'Emulator Files' attachment. Extract and have fun!