The Machine

In the office is the machine

and the programmer programs

the machine

and the machine performs it's functions

as programmed

and asks no questions.

And the programmer gives power

to the machine

and the machine takes the power

and wants more.

And the machine uses it's power

to perform it's functions

as programmed.

And if you talk to the machine

it answers with clicks and buzzes

and whirrings and whinings

according to it's programming.

And you do not understand it

because you are not programmed

to understand it

and the machine does not care

because it is not programmed to care;

it is only a machine.

And at night, the machine stops

and goes home

and feeds it's young

and mates with it's mate

and tries to pretend that

it is not a machine

and then it sleeps.

And in the morning

the machine begins again

and performs its functions

as programmed

and asks no questions.

Tony Thorpe