City Story

Updated: 9/30/12

(Original) City Story was retired on 8/29/2012 and no longer in the app stores. If you have it before it was removed, it can still be played but no more Gem purchases allowed.

7/12/2012: Looks like City Story is being abandoned for City Story Metro.

Max: 18 factories at lv 73. Can purchase Special Factory (24CC) or Santa's Factory (20CC, Roof Shingles x5, Concrete x5, Bricks x5, Tiles x5)


1: 8

2: 15

3: 20

4: after another 40 collected, 83 total

XP per amount spent on decorations:

*1XP per 25 coin spent on item

4XP for 1CC

*??? per ???CC

For coins, take the price, divide by 25, and round up.

For gems, take the gem price, divide by ??? and round up.
